Political Philosophy

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Shoving Themselves Out


October 16, 2022

A lot of conservatives are in the streets mad about something. They aren't getting what they want in society. It's not apparent what they want; but it is apparent that they aren't getting it, whatever it is.

It's also apparent that they are mad as hell at the libs. Now add those things together. There is something personal and intolerable in the position of conservatives that liberals created.

Getting to the essence of the problem requires defining the characteristics of conservatives and liberals. Conservatives are defined by the examples of Reagan and Trump. They both were obsessed by a conflict with liberals. Reaganites had the purpose of getting rid of eighty years of liberalism gone awry. Trump is obsessed with Democrats (liberals to conservatives) stealing the election from him. Before then, it was foreigners invading; and the answer was tax give-aways for corporations.

What liberals represent is equal opportunities and social justice. To conservatives that means more minorities and foreigners making life intolerable for them.

Conservatives want to be surrounded by similar persons. Why don't they just surround themselves with like-minded persons? Would it cost too much? Are there laws against it?

The problem conservatives have is they can't create a complete enough process when they see objectionable persons in their environment, which needs to be somewhat expansive. That means eliminating objectionable persons from the whole country.

If conservatives are a minority and unable to get what they want, why wouldn't they be the ones shoved out of the country? They seem to assume that a minority should shove out a majority. They are re-writing voting laws attempting to get a minority on control over the country.

What makes that process a democracy produced by patriots? Why wouldn't they be the ones shoved out in a democracy that shoves out minorities?

What conservatives don't understand is that they put themselves in conflict with the universe by their corruptions. They expect everyone to accept corruption and allow it to bulldoze over human existence. There is no human existence compatible with corruption.

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The March To Fascism

Draining The Economy Dry

Why Corruption

Why Nazism

Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power

Consensus As Rightness

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is



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