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Swamp Mud

February 21, 2021

Reality is swamp mud to corrupters, because it is all problems and no gain for them. It's why Trump won't listen to explanations. Swamp mud is something you get rid of not something to be pushed onto people.

The self-righteous assumptions of superiority by corrupters stem from that attitude. Corrupters re-translate their corruptions as improvements. Reductionism removing complexities is supposedly a superior state to rationality. Corrupters assume the answers to everything flow from their whims and anything other than that is swamp mud.

On that basis, rationality is viewed as corruption by corrupters. Rationality is making relationships between one reality and another. To corrupters, that process is nothing but trying to stir swamp mud.

The alternative for corrupters is preconstructed realities combined with values and motives. Preconstructed realities go through a process of purification. Rationality defies that process, so it is viewed as abhorrent stupidity.

An underlying assumption is that realities are construction pieces like the objects which surround people. Both are designed for supposed adequacy. Rationality is then throwing out the design and starting from scratch.

Handling realities as preconstructed pieces makes them useless for the purposes that realities are supposed to have. They can't represent anything properly. They are like toy trucks and doll houses that kids play with.

What happens if the constructing and purifying process is corrupt as with QAnon? There is no reference to determine if realities are corrupt. No reference, no fixing. Corrupters can't be told. Telling is relating back to the objective realities of the universe as the source of all realities of life. It doesn't exist for corrupters.

If realities were supposed to be purified like constructed objects for purposes with values and motives, rationality would be like primitives trying to make things out of mud or clay. Clay pots did work; but you don't get automobiles out of them.

To restate the process, corrupters assume realities should be constructed like objects and used for purposes. Such constructed realities can never fit the complexities of life and they impose corrupt purposes onto everyone. Yet corrupters can't image what else realities would be. Rationality is the what else; and it is total nonsense to corrupters.

When Reagan said government is the problem, he was looking at it from miles away. All he saw in government is what Trump and followers call swamp—an imposition of nonsense that liberals promote.

When Trump said drinking bleach would cure the Corona virus, whether in jest or not, he was saying the science of the subject is nothing but garbage. There is plenty of corruption in science and government, but conservatives are trying to get rid of the essence rather than improve the standards. Getting rid of the essence is viewing the entire existence of reality as corruption.

To do that of course requires a substitute for reality. Force is the substitute for reality for corrupters. Corruption is the use of force to overwhelm realities. Corrupters exist in a force medium in conflict with the reality medium. Imposing motives as force over realities is the substitute for rationality that corrupters assume to be the superior state that they try to impose onto everyone.


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