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Modifying Normalcy

December 12, 2020

Corrupters need to modify reality. The need to modify shows a rejection of normalcy. Why oppose normalcy? Inferiority resulting from incompetence is the reason.

Modified reality is tangential reality. Trying to move inferiority upward to a place above normalcy is the purpose of tangential reality.

Incompetent corrupters have an inferiority complex. Their exaggerated image of godliness is a compensation for their inferiority complex. They can't stand being inferior, so they over-react in conveying an image of godliness.

Simply obliterating normalcy would not do the same thing. When degenerates obliterate normalcy, they expose their worthlessness in attacking all that is right. More sophisticated is measuring oneself in relationship to normalcy instead of simply obliterating normalcy.

Normalcy is reality aligned upon the objective reality that the universe creates. There cannot be flaws to normalcy, so corrupters must not view normalcy as normalcy. It must be viewed as a deficiency—large scale deficiency which lesser persons view as normal but really isn't. Just because a lot of persons view a lot of something as normal doesn't mean they are right about it—in the rationale of corrupters.

It shows that one of the purposes of promoters of tangential reality is to disabuse people of their concept of normalcy. People must view themselves as having limitations in the mental area which causes them to get some things wrong. Tangential reality is the fix.

So tangential reality starts with the assumptions of normalcy and modifies the result. Any modification will do, since it is fake reality and denigrating normalcy is the purpose. Corrupters cannot build themselves up in an objective manner, so they must tear others down to get above them.

Therefore, tangential reality can be defined as a small modification of normal reality. To modify is to be superior. Obviously, the purpose of modifying is to improve. So he who improves by modifying is superior to those who assume normalcy is adequate.

Small doesn't always mean small. There is never such a thing as enough to corruption. So small modifications in reality continually increase to become large modifications. And abracadabra, renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving.

They are tangential realities in that the public is supposed to view them as improvements over normalcy. For example, the only justification that has been produced for self-driving is that it will reduce auto accidents. Of course, the descriptions describe how wonderful it would be to watch movies and use the internet instead of driving, but they aren't the described justifications, just the promotional mechanisms.

Renewable energy starts with the electrical grid that was designed for toasters and modifies it for transportation—an improvement over normalcy. "On par" with coal means coal is the reference and renewables are the improvement.

But tangential reality isn't a method of solving problems; it's a mindset. That means renewable energy is not an attempt to solve a problem; it's a problem created to promote a mindset. The solution to the problem is highly malleable, because the mindset is the same regardless of the fix.

The mindset of tangential reality is a state of superiority achieved by reducing normal persons to inferiority. It creates a state above normal. Being above normal is supposed to put such persons in control of our lives.

Normal persons must be constantly degraded to make them inferior to the superior persons, and tangential reality is how that is done. It's a variation on obtuse accusations, but being tangential moves the realities out of the rationality medium and into a quirk medium. Try to prove something in the quirk medium. It can't be done without rationality.

The persons who promote tangential reality are quirky. Their quirks are supposedly some brilliance which no one else can counter. An example is the claim that minds are like computers. Hundreds or thousands of quasi scientific papers have been published on the similarities between minds and computers. The obtuseness is ignored, because it is the purpose. Minds do not have clocks (frequencies of square waves) or switches in them. Computers are based on clocks and switches. The quirkiness has the purpose of separating the subject from rationality to immunize it from criticism while shoving aside or blotting out the truth about minds being part of the spirit.

The nonsense has the purpose of removing rationality from subjects. What replaces rationality can be anything. It's the absence of something that matters, not the substitute. The absence of rationality removes competition for reality control, so incompetent corrupters can overwhelm opponents in mongering power.

An analogy would be to build a wooden automobile to save metal. Solving various problems would be the work of superior persons. Claiming it is impossible would be trouble making. The science is settled. Criticism just gives trouble makers equal time to promote their disruptive tactics.

That's how journalists brought fake science and technology to the surface shoving real scientists out of science.

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What Is Belief?

What Religion Is

The Fantasy Of Corruption

The Alternative To Rationality

Renewable Energy

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