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The Ukraine Fraud

February 1, 2024

The Ukraine war, being fought in trenches, would have been a disgrace in World War One. The lower classes—assumed misfits—are sent to the trenches to be slaughtered, while elites are exempt from the draft. It's not a real war; it's an attempt to get rid of the worthless eaters.

With the Ukraine war being viewed as a losing operation, attempts to prop up Ukraine are taking form. Even after the European economy was destroyed by energy problems, fifty four billion dollars are being taken from the needy to glorify Nazism in Ukraine.

Supposedly, the purpose is to prevent Russia from invading Europe. That's like saying the Cuban missile crisis was an attempt by Kennedy to invade China.

Lavrov, the world's most astute political observer, has been saying over and over that the purpose is to get weapons off Russia's border. Russia has been meticulously avoiding destruction of the Ukraine infrastructure, which causes the Nazis to assume they can defeat Russia. Zelensky blows up Ukraine bridges to prevent the Russians from using them; the Russians haven't been doing that.

With nuclear missiles now being ten times more accurate than they used to be, conservatives say they can now win a "first strike" nuclear war. Of course they can't, but they have been forever trying to rationalize such absurdities. To do that, ICBMs need to be shot down on the way up, not on the way down. Going up, they move at a snail's pace; coming down, they are hypervelocity and impossible to stop. To hit them going up, missiles need to be located on the border. The Ukraine border is only a few miles from Moscow.

So why does NATO need to be on Russia's border? Not to buy potatoes from Poland. Winning a first strike nuclear war is the only logic. That's not how democracy and freedom are protected. That's how Nazis take over the world.

Addendum, March 1, 2024

The Western/NATO position has drifted to the extreme propaganda position that Russia must be stopped in Ukraine, before it invades the rest of Europe, as if the Western world missed everything Russia has been saying and doing in limiting the war to a narrow zone around Eastern and Southern Ukraine to get weapons off their border.

If Russia had the purpose of invading Europe, they would have blown Ukraine off the map in half an hour. Instead they stayed in a very narrow zone around Eastern and Southern Ukraine and left the Ukraine infrastructure intact.

The idiots keep talking about winning some war, as if they were fighting an element of World War Two. What is winning a war in Ukraine? Does it mean Ukraine destroying Russia? Does it mean Russia destroying Europe?

The evidence of what Russia is doing and why is clear regardless of the propaganda. To defy that much evidence and clear history makes the Western world look like a bunch of morons as stupid as Trump.

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