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Understanding Law

November 19, 2023

Something like half of society assumes Trump is being persecuted. That's not understanding what law is.

Law evolved over five thousand years, being constantly refined and improved for a purpose. The purpose was to solve human problems. That means aligning upon the objective realities of the universe which define life and solutions to problems.

Corrupters are disconnected from objective reality and therefore assume that anything goes in being winners. They don't want anything to get in their way including properly produced laws.

Which is not the least reason why laws exist. If anything goes to make corrupters winners, we are all doomed. So laws set some standards in a manner which can be clarified and imposed in a justifiable manner.

To corrupters, there is no justifiable manner to impose laws, because they are clueless on the purpose and meaning of laws. That's about them, not about the rest of society. It means they are the problem, not someone else.

There are a number of properties that laws must have to sustain life. First, laws must be aligned upon the objective realities of the universe. That means requiring some necessary standards for human behavior, as criminal codes emphasize. Criminal codes largely attempt to prevent life from being destroyed.

Similarly, there are legal requirements for all types of complex behavior. Generally, defying complex requirements is called fraud. Trump was impeached twice for defying complex laws designed to prevent fraud in destroying governmental processes.

The first impeachment of Trump was for defying election laws which prevent presidents from railroading the process to stay in power. Such laws are required, because power mongers try to prevent anyone from taking them out of power and using the power of government to do that.

What Trump tried to do was withhold Congressionally designated funds from Ukraine to coerce Ukraine into contriving realities to degrade Biden as Trump's political opponent in the next election. Laws attempt to prevent such misuse of funds to coerce election results.

A lot of corrupters cannot understand or accept such laws, which includes conservative Senators who said the issue was nothing but a life-style dispute. When totalitarians are allowed to prevent anyone from taking them out of government through proper laws is a life-style dispute, there are no proper laws or objective realities to sustain life.

The net effect is that corrupters are trying to eliminate the concept of proper laws sustaining life. In general, corrupters want the purpose of life to be striving to be winners, which means anything goes.

Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed the purpose in life is to be a winner and rationality is for fools. Explaining claims is a requirement for rationality. Being a winner in contempt for rationality is a lawless, destructive method of dominating other persons.

So-called deregulation is how Reaganites removed critical laws from government. Getting rid of the banking laws that were eventually thrown out was instrumental in allowing power mongers to drain the economy dry channeling resources to the top of society and unavailable to the general public. By controlling the money supply, power mongers could use money to railroad the social order toward their frauds and away from practical solutions to problems.

Where does life get to without laws preventing such destructive behavior? Extreme corruptions show the result, such as totalitarian dictatorships and Nazism. Corrupters destroy all life, when no laws get in their way.

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