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Not Understanding Technology

February 25, 2024

Technology is getting extremely complex and absorbing. It cannot be managed properly without understanding the complexities. Yet the real scientists and engineers have been shoved aside in the attempts to promote absurd science and technology.

The focus of corrupters upon persons in their war against the lower classes shows their absence of objective concerns, while objective realities overwhelm them. Objective reality means how science and technology succeed or fail among related concerns. To not focus on success or failure of objective realities results in failure of objective realities.

The Nazis of Germany were focussed on getting rid of "worthless eaters" and disconnected from the harsh realities of limited resources. When they ran out of energy, they assumed they could steal energy from Russia. They missed the ridiculousness of that assumption including their failure to march through winter storms to accomplish their purpose.

A telling feature of incompetent corrupters is their assumption of invincibility in the face of their certain failures. They assume "the proof is in the pudding" due to their ability to overwhelm other persons through force and violence. They miss how certain they are to fail due to the pudding of objective reality.

They miss the obvious results of their stupidity for the simple reason that they are clueless on the objective realities that determine results. If they had a clue what the objective realities are, they would be more realistic; but they see nothing but the subjective realities aligned upon their corrupt motives.

Of course, the more recent example is expecting trench warfare to defeat Russia in Ukraine. Everyone with an iota of realism says the almost-war is going nowhere, while corrupters pour scarce resources down that drain. If they had a clue how metal atoms and kinetic energy interact with surrounding realities, they would stop the nonsense and find something more constructive to do. But they assume science and technology take care of themselves, while they overwhelmed enemies with force and violence.

In theory, such incompetent corrupters fall to the wayside, as the fittest survive. But the fittest of corrupters only survive in the three second wins of prevailing over their opponents, while they take over the social structures through force and violence. Then they fail to survive the resulting ruin of their stupidity.

In other words, corruption is defined, more or less, by the assumption that the complexities of objective reality take care of themselves, when opponents are dominated and degraded to prevail through force and violence. It takes a lot of stupidity to assume subjective realities take care of everything while objective realities are ignored.

Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed being a winner is the purpose in life and rationality is for fools. Rationality requires explanation of claims. Being a winner without rationality is expecting force and violence to produce complex science and technology.

Reagan also said, government is the problem. To get rid of government, so-called deregulation was used to throw out critical laws. Without objective realities, laws are not needed and government is used for dictators to prevail, while science and technology come out of nowhere.

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