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Values Over Results

November 4, 2020

Why did almost half of the voters vote for Trump after four years of negative results by Trump? They voted for values over results.

However, results must be pretended such as pretending that Trump improved the economy. Lack of credibility is included in the values.

Conservatives amplified every element of the economic problem, from ripping off 90% of society in the upward flow of resources to bankrupting corporations through tariffs, to worsening the trade deficit—all worth lying about in the promotion of Trump's values.

What values are there in breaking every law that gets in the way; in reducing government to lawless, totalitarian fascism; in using government for no other purpose than self-worship; in name calling and degradation of every opponent; in such total incompetence that nothing but tweeting is relevant to his method of governing?

He's one of us, Trump's followers assume. It means we would do the same things as Trump; and we get left out when liberals demand something other than that of us.

So we hate liberals and Trump hates liberals. We elected Trump to destroy liberals. Destroying government and the economy is how we destroy liberals no matter how bad the image, incompetence or gouging.

Corrupters actually assume that it takes corruption to produce results. Trump promotes and demonstrates that standard by beating up the world to get better trade deals. So even if Trump's followers don't see the results, they assume that the results will follow sooner or later or that there are hidden results beyond those which are easily observed.

More often, corrupters don't have a clue as to what is going on, but Trump's values are highly visible, so promoting those values should fix everything.

Evaluations of the resulting social conflict rapidly reduce to the fact that some persons (liberals) look negatively upon the characteristics of Trump's followers (conservatives). At more depth, the essence of the problem is that Trump's base insist on running other peoples' lives with no concept of what constructivity or right-from-wrong is. So the liberals have no choice but to look negatively upon them.

That conflict used to be an opinion which was disputed. Trump turned the truth of the dispute into unquestionable fact.

The moral philosophy that I used to write was said to be "pedantic" and "condescending." It always was the unquestionable essence of social conflicts, as Trump has shown.

Corruption moves ignorance away from constructive results and toward values. Promotion of values has no place in social interactions, because the extreme diversity of values requires tolerance of differences.

Corrupt persons, however, do not accept that fact. They learn to align upon values and use values as a test of validity.

Where rational persons look to knowledge as the answer to problems, corrupters look to values. Values replace knowledge. Racism and fake nationalism result from imposed values replacing knowledge.

Knowledge can be used to solve problems; values cannot. The imposition of values creates problems.

But corrupters assume that everyone is and must impose values; so picking the right values is everything to them. They self-righteously impose values assuming that their values are the ones that need to prevail.

Getting values out of a subject and replaced with knowledge doesn't work with corrupters. So rational persons and corrupters argue past each other. Rational persons are trying to correct knowledge, while corrupters are trying to correct values.

Values don't correct. The attempts by corrupters to correct values create a lot of problems.

How Constructivity Works

Beating Up The World

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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