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Evolving Windmills


December 5, 2022

A truism is that the larger windmills get, the less efficient they are. So windmills keep getting larger at an exponential rate without the slightest concern for efficiency or effectiveness. (Windmill Efficiency)

The reason for the fraud is because the driving force behind windmills has always been incompetent power mongers ripping everyone off. With taxpayers and the lower classes being bankrupt in the process, bigots never had it so good.

Honest persons would never use such fraudulent terminology as carbon free and clean energy. It takes about a hundred truckloads of concrete under a windmill on land. Cement needs to be heated with huge amounts of energy to drive out carbonates. Smelting steel takes huge amounts of energy.

Making the lower classes pay through the nose is one of the main driving forces as indicated by the fact that no attempt is made to mitigate the harm to the lower classes. The upper classes get risk free industrial benefits with cost-plus contracts, government sanctions and jobs that pay five times as much as the lower classes get.

Then laws require all wind and solar power to take priority over other sources, which bankrupts normal utility companies which have to provide the backup.

It's the re-industrialization of criminal power structures which have taken over the social structures to put incompetent destroyers in control of our lives. Modernization has been transforming into nonfunctionality, incompetence and bankruptcy, as incompetents take over the social structures and use them for personal gain as power structures.

(Fakes changed the label of windmills to wind turbines pretending to be esoteric in their language. Turbines are never called turbines under functional conditions, because the surrounding structure determines the label. An aircraft carrier is not called a steam turbine. Corrupters are focussed on themselves; so they use word garbage as a substitute for constructivity.)

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