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Why Basic Reality

August 23, 2021

Superficial realities or criticism does not solve problems. It takes basic reality to solve problems. Without basic reality, complaints do not indicate what a solution should be.

Basic reality does two important things. It sets standards of rationality and it shows cause-and-effect relationships. Both are essential elements of solutions to problems. In fact, basic reality cannot be produced without those elements, because contradictions become more visible as realities become more basic. At the most basic levels, there aren't two alternatives.

Superficiality is how corrupters rationalize in claiming up is down and corruption is virtue. Corrupters justify themselves as loving the kids and pets more than anyone else and having the only correct values. Decimation of social structures is just tough love in fixing something. Only basic realities can expose the fraud of corrupters.

Basic realities have moral implications—not the least reason why they are purged from the media. Corrupters demand and get sanitized media devoid of moral implications. Promoting Christian values has nothing to do with it. Those who mix religion and politics are not promoting religion but politics.

Morality is more basic than religion. It's the standards that sustain life. There are no corrupters who are going to sustain life without moral standards.

Morality, rationality and justice are the same things viewed in different contexts. They are all standards required for sustaining life.

The basic standard for sustaining life is properly relating to the unified reality that makes up life. Getting that right takes a lot more than complaining about problems. It takes open and accountable evaluation of the most basic realities involved to determine proper relationships as the most basic standard.

Arbitrating concerns is of no relevance, contrary to corrupters insisting on arbitrating everyone else's life as the only possible way to get everything right. Open and accountable evaluation guarantees objective determination of basic standards, because the truth increases when realities interact, and there are no substitutes for truth at the most basic levels of reality.

Reality By Association


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