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What Conspiracy Is

October 15, 2023

The primary source of power for corrupters is conspiracy, which creates power through numbers. Corrupters assume their conspiracy is the only valid state of existence because of the security of numbers and impressiveness of power.

And therefore, alignment upon realities instead of the group is assumed to be invalid by corrupters. Rationality is alignment upon the objective realities of the universe which define life and solutions to problems.

Corrupters align upon motives in contempt for realities. Motives represent themselves, while realities represent abstractions related to laws of the universe.

The rationalized assumption is that people are more important than removed realities; and therefore, self-expression should define human existence. Corrupters miss the destructiveness of selfishness and the need for universal realities that benefit everyone equally.

The mysterious contempt for equality, even after emphasized in the country's founding documents, stems from the selfishness of corrupters placing themselves in the center of the universe in contempt for the realities that everyone depends upon.

Corrupters believe in their corruptions. Yet their destructivity shows up in defiance of objective reality. To defy objective reality requires power, which means the power of numbers.

Why is there such attack upon social critics as "conspiracy theorists?" Largely because conspirators prevail; and they want to redefine corruption away from their own activities.

There is also a hate for rationality by corrupters, because rationality exposes them as the incompetent corrupters that they are. They see the rationality which they hate in social criticism.

Closely related is opposition to cynicism. Cynicism used to be defined in terms of seeing something wrong on a broad scale. The positivism being promoted does not allow such widely applied negativism, because positivism is needed as a justification mechanism.

So now days, the term cynicism is applied to corrupt rationalizing. That's not proper terminology. It's an attempt to say cynicism is attacking what is right instead of what is wrong.

Conspiracy also has a vertical element to it. As a source of power, it needs to fall under the control of successful power mongers who project an image of authority. Physicists are aces at doing so. There is no higher authority, in their own view. So the most visible conspiracies trail off from physics.

That's were relativity comes into the process. Relativity is a method of enforcing fraud in physics, sort of like street gangsters requiring crime to prove allegiance to the group. Relativity is so absurd that it is always the primary focus of physics critics; but only retired physicists can significantly criticize physics.

Relativity says the speed of light is determined by receiving points. Each receiving point of light will have a different velocity, while light is said to always have the same velocity. To resolve the contradiction, physicists say the reference frame shifts for each receiving point.

That's like driving 70 miles per hour in a 60 mph zone and saying the vehicle is only moving at 60 mph, while the reference frame is moving at 10 mph.

The absurdity is an essential element of relativity. Absurdity is needed to enforce allegiance to corruption.

A long ways down the line are modern frauds used to glamorize physicists, such as gravity wave measurements. Supposedly, motion was measured at 100 million times smaller than the vibration of atoms. That's like measuring one inch with a ruler that vibrates between Chicago and Los Angeles. Why not something more credible? Apparently, credibility needed to be obliterated to prevent physicists from arguing the subject. All that can be said about the claim is that it is fraud, while the word fraud is not allowed in the criticisms of science or journalism.

What loser would not want to be part of such conspiracy? Since they all would, know-nothings are used to impose science fraud onto society with no criticism being allowed, such as greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving.

All corruption is conspiracy; and all conspiracy is corruption. That's why the Scriptures use the terms sin and conspiracy interchangeably.

That's because no one can promote corruption on their own. They need at least the psychological security of other corrupters doing the same thing. And of course, to get by with it requires the power to overwhelm rationality. Conspiracy is thereby required for all corruption.


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