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Why Fascism Increases

October 9, 2021

The main reason why fascism increases is because fascists are lawless. No laws will stop them.

The historical example of fascism was not stopped. It was bombed out of existence with WW-II. No social force can stop fascism.

But it is not the history that shows why fascism cannot be stopped; it's the bazar characteristics of fascists which tell the story of fascism.

Fascism is an unleashing of a pent up force. During normal times, that force must be expressed in limited ways. When the force that suppresses fascism is gone, nothing can put fascism back in the bottle.

The subdued force is simply the combined elements of corruption. Fascism is the open promotion of those forces of corruption. Under normal conditions, corruption is a disgrace which must be concealed. With Trumpism, the concealing is no longer required.

Trump unleashed fascism by zeroing out reality and zeroing out government. That's what fascism requires: zeroing out everything but the whims of the fascists.

Superficially, Trump was the influence which unleashed fascism; but ninety nine percent of the work had already been done. Before then, Trump would have been (and was) irrelevant. As president, he was only the official representation of the process which had been occurring since 1981.

The process of unleashing the subdued corruption was most visible in throwing out historical laws designed to protect society from corruption. Conservatives felt that those laws—literally, all laws—were making them fight their war with one hand tied behind their backs. That is what the basic purpose of law is—to make it more difficult for corrupters to fight their war. They couldn't be wrong about that.

When corruption is subdued by normalcy, it can't be highly developed. It only takes rudimentary forms. Going from the rudimentary corruption to organized activity is what fascism is.

When corrupters acquire the freedom to produce and promote corruption without restraint, they evolve into aliens from a different planet. Building corruption upon corruption generates absurd realities that are alien to normal existence.

What is highly visible at this time is the spin-off into absurdities. The most visible is the big lie that Trump had the election stolen from him. Any imaginable mechanism for stealing an election is assumed to be fact. If someone can claim it, it becomes fact. Like satellites were used to reprogram voting machines; or a plumber's truck was carrying fake ballots. Vaccines are showing the same standard. Supposedly, vaccines have computer chips in them for controlling the victims.

Objective reality has not the slightest ability to influence the result. Part of the reason is because the subconscious motive is to express grievances. A grievance being expressed by persons who lack standards of objectivity creates an underlying truth to any absurdity.

Corrupters are so convinced that someone is doing them an injustice that it doesn't matter what words are used to express the complaint. Anything negative will do. Any enemy will do. It's simply at attack upon enemies who must be the cause of their problems.

Corrupters do not understand that their corruption creates their problems; so they are convinced there must be enemies causing their problems.

Nazism (a particular form of fascism) was about Hitler, not social issues, just as Trumpism is about Trump. Plus, of course, the fake enemy at the door. The enemy is more diffuse now: immigrants, minorities and the liberals who sympathize with them.

It is said that some Germans during Nazi years were heating wood for fumes to power automobiles. They had to fight the Russians to get petroleum. That's how much fascism is about social issues. Yet the claim is the wonderous things fascists do to solve everyone's problems.

Corrupters cannot differentiate between solving everyone's problems and enhancing their ability to produce corruption. Corruption is supposedly the answer to everything in the minds of corrupters.

Trump is a cause. There are no fixed realities that represent the cause. The cause of corrupters has be represented by examples, not words, because words defeat corrupters, while examples show their ability to defy.

Every issue that conservatives used to represent is thrown down the drain to promote Trump as a cause. As a cause, Trump represents the Constitution, rights, freedom and all that is right.

That's because Trump let corrupters out of the bottle that was containing them. The freedom that conservatives have been harping about since 1981 was their need to get free from the bottle containing them. Now that they are free to promote their corruptions, nothing will stop them.

The strangest thing about the freedom of corrupters is that they didn't rush out and start robbing banks—their criminality never was highly inhibited. What they did was contrive realities in absurd ways. The goal of corrupters is to live in a different state of existence with no objective reality being imposed upon them. Trump's gatherings are characterized by absurd realities.

When the White Rose put posters on lamp posts opposing Nazism, they were of course executed for it. The Nazis didn't just murder Jews; they murdered anyone who opposed them including political opponents, Catholic priests and anyone else who tried to assist the Jews. Fascists are the cancel culture trying to project their murderous schemes onto opponents.

Not Policies Or Issues

Fascism is not about policies or issues, which is part of the reason why it is so resilient. There is no divisiveness without concerns for policies and issues.

Racism is not a policy or issue. It includes deniability due to its absence of policy and issues. Racism is promoted, but it includes a lot of deniability. Even though the Nazis said they represented a fake Arian race, it was background rationalizing vastly different from normal issues. Their focus on Jews became an issue but nothing resembling what an issue would be in a normal social order. It was a hate scheme without the reality element that issues have.

Racism is a force of corruption that expands to include much more than races. More basically, it is bigotry. Bigots hate low class and vulnerable persons of all races, as indicated by homelessness which, in the U.S., tends to include more whites than other races. Other races find better ways to take care of their own than whites do.

Bigotry is not a policy or issue. It's a subconscious force of corruption which is not understood by corrupters. Awareness ends corruption, but it doesn't end bigotry in corrupters.

The basic forces of socialized corruption are said to be domination, degradation, exploitation and oppression. There are personalized elements of corruption (or morality) which include such items as jealousy, bigotry, lying, stealing, etc. All socialized and personalized elements of corruption drive fascism.

A lack of awareness is a requirement for sustaining forces of corruption, both socialized and personalized. Due to the lack of awareness, fascism is viewed as a virtue rather than a corruption by corrupters. That attitude is highly visible in Trump followers praising Trump, which has become more determined as he drifts out of public importance. The fascist/corrupters have been getting more disturbed about their perceived loss without Trump protecting it.

In other words, everything about corruption, personal and social, applies to fascism. Fascism is the transformation of corruption from concealed corruption to openly promoted corruption.

The freedom to openly promote corruption has been the most significant driving force of conservatives since they took over the world in 1981 as shown by their constant harping on a need for freedom. They didn't achieve that goal until Trump represented it in the most total way possible—total as in a complete absence of any constructive standard or thought process beyond uninhibited corruption. Certainly, Trump is forced to respond to many social pressures, but no personal standards originate from within him.

Corruption includes a shallow mindedness on all realities and more so on moral realities and standards which are abstract rather than perceivable. Shallow-minded corrupters see no moral relevance to the social and personal corruptions. They avoid the highly visible elements of depravity seen in extreme criminality but only due to social pressures. There is no depravity that they won't promote when less visible as in the torture chambers.

Keeping those forces subdued was a difficult challenge throughout human history. The failure to do so once every ninety years is not surprising.

Taking Positions

Fascists (unleashed corrupters) take positions deliberately devoid of reality. They hate reality, because it condemns them as the incompetent corrupters that they are. But they need positions to speak from. So they base their positions on preposterousness instead of reality.

The most obvious example is the Nazis (a particular manifestation of fascists) claiming to represent a fake Arian race. There never could have been any such race for many reasons. That's what made the claim attractive to the Nazis. It put them in the position that they wanted with no reality element to it.

Doing that—taking a position devoid of reality—is beyond comprehension to rational persons. It exists in a concealed world where motives replace realities. In that strange world, motives are aligned upon bench marks rather than realities. A position tells them how to related to the external world in a uniform manner.

So corrupters contrive a make-believe world which gets them where they want to be: dominating imposers of motives rather than rational persons. Disconnecting from reality is a basic part of that process.

Trump's supposed answer to everything is of that nature. It's totally irrelevant to corrupters what problems Trump solves, because he serves no other purpose than disconnecting them from the realities that restricted their existence to living in a bottle. Him freeing them to live as corrupters is their only real concern.

Being brainless, corrupters assume that the impositions placed upon them through rationality is a depravity. They used to call it communism; now they simply call it liberalism. They identify liberals in terms of the imposition of rationality upon them, even though such persons almost never say they are liberals.

What Bigotry Is


Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP     



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