The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  136

Why Futurism


October 24, 2023

Futurism is how corrupters of all types tell themselves that they are succeeding. Their losses along the way are simply skirmishes, while they assume they can keep the corruption going forever.

It allows them to be extremely unrealistic. If they had to look at immediate results, there is no other conclusion that could be drawn than corrupters destroy themselves. But futurism allows them to look away. It allows them to tell themselves that nothing in the immediate really matters, because they can't lose in the long run.

The long run varies a lot. For the worst corrupters, it means they are certain to get all of their enemies destroyed eventually. They are only aware of about five of them at a time. But as they get rid of each one, another seems to appear. To them, it's like pulling a rope through a hole with no concept of how long the rope might be.

At the other extreme are the winners who manage the power structures which used to be social structures, until the power mongers overwhelmed them and used them for their personal gain at everyone else's expense. With taking over the social structures being such a push over, they couldn't possible lose in prevailing forever. Forever means populating the universe galaxy by galaxy, in their view of things.

To say that ignorance must precede corruption is an understatement. Nowhere is the ignorance more obvious than in the futurism. Shouldn't the physicists, as super technologists, know the limitations of technology? They absolutely should, which shows they are nothing resembling scientists or technologists. They borrow everything including the methods of producing and using technology.

That's why Steve Jobs had to design the smart phone. He only had a few months of college, which disconnected him from the power structures which strangle all constructivity. And it shows that qualifications are not in the degrees, because people have to educate themselves and elite universities can't do it for them. Steve Jobs started to program computers the minute microprocesses started to be produced. From there, he created a company but was kicked out of the company that he created, until it went bankrupt and let him back in.

The opposite of educating oneself is fantasizing the future as taking care of the absurdities and frauds of the present time. It's a rationalizing mechanism. It takes care of the obvious evidence that corruption is corruption. Just as futurism is endless in solving all problems, the endless destructivity of corruption is always irrelevant to the futurism, as the future takes care of everything.

The degree of stupidity that goes with futurism is the same degree of stupidity that goes with everything corrupters do; but it is more obvious in the futurism. It's just as stupid to assume energy and transportation systems can be replaced using so-called renewable energy, except that the technical complexities are more distracting and obscure.

Renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving ran aground years ago, while the absurdities are brushed aside as irrelevant to the future solution to all related problems. Where are the metals going to come from? From new mines, of course. Why don't they already exist? Only a hippy crazy would even ask. The future is automatic; and questioning is running interference.

Along with futurism is wishing solutions into existence. That means always positiveness. Positivism is required to get everyone on board. Negativism causes some persons to oppose the process. Supposedly, everyone agreeing will turn problems into solutions, as reality is assumed to be agreement to persons who have no relationship to objective reality.

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