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Why Genocide

April 24, 2024

Vulnerable persons are easy to get along with. They have to be, because they don't get much to say about anything. So why are they victims of genocide?

The perpetrators of genocide don't want to get along with vulnerable persons, because truth flows from the victims of injustice. Basically, truth flows upward from the bottom of society to the top. Power mongers can't stand that. They turn hell over trying to reverse the result and never succeed. Genocide is how they sometimes go about it depending upon circumstances.

Power mongers need to fantasize existence. That's because of their incompetence. Rationality exposes them as the incompetents that they are. So they oppose rationality and try to use power to be winners by prevailing through domination. Domination is the basis of all corruption, because nothing constructive can occur with domination opposing the process.

Can you imagine what fantasizing existence is? Just read the first ten stories of any news output; and it will show what fantasizing is—renewable energy, electric vehicles, self-driving, going to Mars, inhabiting the universe, getting there through wormholes, using artificial intelligence to figure out how and three similar absurdities.

More abstract than those examples and less visible is incompetent corrupters making themselves superior persons through domination including genocide. The math is unmistakable. There is no way to stop truth from emanating from vulnerable persons but genocide. Anything less than that requires tolerance—anathema to incompetent power mongers who need to defy rationality to make themselves winners.

Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. Explaining claims is a requirement of rationality. Mongering power to be winners is the ruination of man. All corrupters assume being a winner is the purpose of life. So Reagan must be the most wise of sophists for being a winner of winners.

What corrupters want to know is not how to perpetrate corruption, any idiot can do that, but how to be a winner in perpetrating corruption by getting by with it. (To sin is human; to get by with it is divine.) The prevailing power mongers are the ones who get by with corruption to be winners. So they are followed as the example of how to become winners through corruption—the essence of demagoguery.

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