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Why Not Fake Reality

April 23, 2024

Corrupters are extremely self-righteous in mutilating realities. How could they not know that they will destroy themselves by converting reality into fakery and fraud? The reason is because they don't assume there is any such thing as fake reality. They assume reality can be molded into any desirable form; and therefore, whoever wins at shaping reality is the fittest surviving.

So prove it. Who says reality cannot be reshaped into any form? Of course all documents are based on definable reality, meaning fraud is directly or indirectly always illegal. Do not corrupters assume there is any such thing as fraud?

No they don't. Corrupters assume that prevailing persons defined existence and corrupters can turn it all around for their own purposes. You're kidding.

Nope. The reason why corrupters are that way is because they disconnect themselves, knowingly and unknowingly, from objective reality; so they have no concept of what stable and definable reality is.

The proof is in the objective realities that define the laws of the universe. Can corrupters defy the laws of gravity? Some can; and that's not the least reason why they assume reality is malleable.

Adding up the absurdities of corrupters says, someone synthesized existence and corrupters are in a desperate need to synthesize it differently. So the task here is to evaluate the nature of existence, while corrupters cannot evaluate anything, because they don't evaluate.

Corruption isn't a desired result; it is a direction for every, minute action. Corrupters assume, if each act is correct, the total result will be correct. Besides the fact that they get the starting points wrong, the totality of existence is not limited to actions. Technology needs to be more than expensive garbage.

A foundational statement is that molecular existence can never have different characteristics in its present form. Can corrupters creates a different form of existence? The question doesn't even exist for them, because they don't evaluate. To create a different state of existence would first require dismantling molecular existence. There aren't any corrupters who are going to do that. Then their perverse powers are nothing resembling the synthesis of clusters of galaxies.

So corrupters are stuck with molecular existence, whether they know it or not. That means the laws of the universe define life and solutions to problems and corruption is always corruption.

Of course, such questions don't even exist in the absurdities of corrupters in their assumptions that realities are malleable and up for grabs by prevailing power mongers. They don't know that ripping someone off with fraud has anything to do with laws of the universe, because they don't make simple relationships between realities. Their behavior is not a thought process; it's an action in defiance of and contempt for the concerns of other persons.

But corrupt power mongers have been prevailing more and more for so long that their frauds are embedded into social assumptions, such as fake science and technology solving everyone's problems including going to Mars and the universe beyond as the solution to problems. They should have started with constructing their fake solutions in the Sahara desert before making their plans for Mars.

But the problem is not just the fake science and technology. It's also in the method of handling realities through communications, which means propaganda and fraud. Power mongers have instilled social standards at the communication level into the fabric of society. That means superficialities must replace abstract evaluation.

One of the problems with superficial communication devoid of abstract evaluation is that superficial realities do not have clear meaning. Each persons can get a different interpretation from superficial realities. It takes abstract evaluation to create clear meaning, because all knowledge is abstract, being created by humans to simplify complexities to a form that can be easily handled.

Without the abstractions of knowledge, realities are meaningless and malleable—just what corrupters require for railroading their destructivity onto everyone. Yet no other standard is known or allowed in social reality such as media. I can only imagine how journalism is taught as superficialities—be sure to start with social interest, like cat pictures, and don't let the hippies and communists overtake the subject with abstractions.

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