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Corrupters Believe In Lawlessness


October 13, 2022

The need for lawlessness is the defining difference between Trump followers (in fact, all corrupters) and the rational world. Corrupters don't know what lawlessness is; they just know they don't want impositions upon themselves, which includes laws and all elements of rationality.

What they want is a void—not only the absence of impositions but the absence of objective reality defined by the laws of the universe, which no one can defy.

Rational persons refer to that void of rationality as chaos and anarchy. Trump followers call it the real democracy and patriotism.

Lawlessness equals fascism. Trump defies every law that applies to him as an ethic in attempting to reduce government to the arbitrary whims of a dictator.

When attempts are made to re-establish proper government, conservatives argue against the efforts claiming investigations are nothing but politically motivated unfairness.

Two impeachments were based on serious crimes by Trump in his attempt to violate election laws in misusing the power of the government to gain an advantage over Biden. Yet conservatives obstructed the impeachment process claiming there was nothing to it but a life-style dispute, as if defying laws were an acceptable life-style.

Using the power of government to keep dictators in power is how totalitarianism overwhelms democracy. Trump tried to do that; and conservatives blocked attempts to re-establish a government of laws.

Stopping fascism would require strengthening laws, not throwing out laws for power mongering purposes. Opposing the attempts to re-establish proper government during fascist overwhelm means the whole concept of law in government is opposed by conservatives.

When conservatives say, in essence, that it doesn't matter whether Trump and followers break laws, they are expressing an ethic of lawlessness. Lawlessness is needed by incompetent corrupters to prevail against their opponents.

Corrupters try to eradicate rationality, because the process and resulting truth expose them as the corrupters that they are. Opposition to rationality requires opposition to a government of laws.

Government and laws evolved with the primary purpose of preventing corruption from overwhelming the social order. So of course, corrupters don't like government and laws. Their opposition to government and laws shows their commitment to lawlessness.

That purpose isn't a recent problem. Reaganites had that purpose which they stated as "getting the government off their backs." So-called deregulation was their starting point in eradicating the purpose of government.

The result of de-regulation was to strip government of functionality to such an extent that Democrats or liberals have nothing to work with anymore in solving social problems through progressive processes such as consumer and environmental protections and improving conditions for the victims of the war against the lower classes that conservatives promote. Conservatives claim to reduce crime by fighting a war against the lower classes.

In place of laws, corrupters want to arbitrate existence on the basis of whim. Whim is how corrupters impose their corruptions onto everyone. Corrupters dominate by whim through impositions upon opponents while allowing no impositions upon themselves.

As corrupters acquire power, they arbitrarily criminalize trivia at the personal level in their attempts to change values, such as going through text books and vocabulary to sanction the values of opponents.

There are no real values to that process, as corrupters do not have proper values. Instead, the purpose is harassment as a method of degrading opponents while distracting from more important purposes in solving social problems.

Certainly, everything can be improved; that's not the question. The problem created by conservatives is in their not using proper methods of doing things. Proper means rational evaluation by the persons who have a stake in the process, which is not the conservative method of doing thing.

Conservatives always claim to be doing some sort of correction, because they don't understand that their corruptness puts them in conflict with the universe and they assume enemies are the cause of their problems. So they assume they need to oppose the activities of liberals who are imposing their values onto conservatives. The difference is that conservatives use invalid methods of doing things. They use a top-down methodology of generating the power to impose, while liberals use social interactions, where persons who have a stake in the matter have something so say and there are more choices with freedom.

In other words, corrupters monger power to get their way through impositions as their replacement for rationality. They view rationality as the evil and power as the virtue, which is a large part of what corruption is.

Conservatives assume there is no other method of getting something done besides overwhelming opponents with power. They don't understand that there is no right way to socialize power, because impositions can never be constructive. They are absurdly correct in assuming they cannot get their way without power, while they err in assuming impositions will produce a proper result.

The truth is that nothing can be perfected; instead constant improvements need to be made. Rationality creates the improvements, while impositions through overwhelm with power puts an end to improvements while leaving everything aligned upon the purposes of corrupters.

One of the most visible characteristics of conservatives is that they don't use the methodology of rationality but try to impose their obnoxiousness through force. The primary methodology of rationality is to explain. Reagan said, if you have to explain, you are already a loser.

Winning through overwhelm is the purpose of conservatives; and what they overwhelm us with is lawlessness and related values of harassment, degradation and domination with focus on a war against the lower classes.

Conservatives communicate through quips, because increased reality exposes them for their corruptions. Their quips are degradations of persons and procedures required for rational existence.

Corrupters assume they are justified in returning an attack upon opponents; but what they miss is that not every method of opposition is justified. Rationality with explanations is the proper method of attacking wrongs—the essence of criticism; degradation through domination is not the right way to oppose anything.

Imperfections must be accepted and tolerated in the process of using rationality to create a government based upon laws in place of totalitarian fascists overwhelming society. Toleration of differences is a small price to pay for ordered existence replacing totalitarian fascism.

Christ taught tolerance, because there is no way to get along in a complex society without a lot of tolerance. Conservatives tolerate nothing while attempting to dominate everyone. Yet they pretend to be superior in their moral values. Their intolerant totalitarianism is not promotion of morality.

An Improper Relationship To Reality

Being disconnected from objective reality creates an improper relationship to reality. The demands for proper disappear.

Objective reality creates a very demanding focus on cause-and-effect relationships for solving problems, which taxes scientific studies. Disconnecting from those demands creates a totally different state of existence.

It's like looking at something that is constantly changing. If something looks like a car, then an airplane, then a bicycle, how could anyone figure out how to relate to what they see? There is no relationship to reality without a stabilize, consistent make-up of reality.

That means corrupters live in a state where reality is garbage. Yet they need to fabricate a form of reality to get the results they want, because all activities are aligned upon realities.

So corrupters tailor their realities for their purposes. To get their way, corrupters build up the things they want to promote and tear down the things they want to suppress. Of course, that standard is applied to persons. Insiders are framed as flawless and superior; opponents are framed as ignorant destroyers.

Real laws which have a valid basis cannot exist in the state corrupters are in. Laws need to be stabilized and uniformly applied. There has to be stabilize and common reality to get such laws, which is an impossibility for corrupters.

That means laws don't exist as laws for corrupters. The only thing corrupters know about laws is that someone is imposing something onto them. Anyone who does that is an enemy. So their war against enemies is also their war against the impositions of laws upon them.

The end result is Nazism. Nazism is a void that corrupters produce as the highest state of socialized corruption that is humanly possible.

One of the oddities of the attitude of corrupters is that they view themselves as the reference for what everyone is supposed to be. Since that assumption is grossly perverse, corrupters are in conflict with the rest of the universe and related to in a very combative way.

Corrupters then assume there is something unfair going on in opponents not relating to them in a positive manner. Trump is constantly complaining about unfairness, while he breaks every law that applies to him and fights a war against everyone but white racists. He assumes he represents the most perfect state of existence; so opponents need to change their way of relating to him.

Trump's lawlessness stems from no comprehension of what laws would be as stabilized and uniformly applied requirements or why anyone would produce such requirements. His reference for behavior is whatever enhances is existence and promotes his motives. There should be no such thing as opponents in that view. So opponents are assumed to be producing some injustice against him. To some extent, the same assumptions create the same attitude for all corrupters.

That's why conservatives go swarming to the type of media where persons who have that attitude commiserate and complain about the injustices opponents perpetrate against them.

Corruption As Void

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



The March To Fascism

Draining The Economy Dry

Why Corruption

Why Nazism

Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power

Consensus As Rightness

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is



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