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Why Not Terrorism

April 6, 2024

As corrupters destroy themselves with their corruptions, they resort to terrorism in their attempts to be winners. They carry their prior assumptions into the terrorism mode, which means they expect us to worship them as terrorists.

The definition of terrorism should be the purpose of imposing force and violence onto everyone as a control mechanism. It's only a degree of difference from corrupters trying to function in a force medium as a substitute for the reality medium.

How would a television be repaired when replacing force for realities? It would be using a hammer. The same is true for every motion in human existence. Force can never do what realities do. No problems can be solved with force in place of realities. Yet all corruption exists in a force medium while fighting a war against the rationality that uses objective realities as the solution to problems.

So there is light corruption which is not viewed as terrorism and more extreme corruption that becomes visible as terrorism. It's just a degree of difference.

One of the assumptions of terrorists is that they can solve their problems through force instead of realities. What is solving their problems? In their view, it is reducing everyone else to a level of subservience. It takes force and violence to get their.

After the subservience, how do they solve problems. They never extend their concerns that far. Getting rid of enemies and imposing subservience is an absorbing pre-occupation for them.

Since that methodology is so destructive and objectionable, it needs to be painted over with images of the opposite. Supposedly, the terrorists love the kids and pets more than anyone else. That's why they need force and violence instead of wimping around with rationality. Rational persons are supposedly too timid and absorbed in irrelevancies to get the job done.

And that's the totality of it. Nothing more and nothing less. Terrorism as the answer to everything.

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