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Why Not Nazism?

January 14, 2024

Why do corrupters see no problem with Nazism? To a large extent, corrupters are opposing something, not promoting something. That means their view of Nazism is the absence of something rather than the presence of something.

What conservatives are opposing is shouted out very clearly. They hate libs. Woke means libs imposing some form of reality onto them. Immigrants means imposition of something onto them.

Getting rid of the misfits is often viewed as the entire solution to social problems by corrupters. That's because their own superiority is the only concept of right-from-wrong that corrupters acquire. Anyone who opposes them must be wrong, which translates into misfits being the problem.

It's lack of awareness that causes corrupters to focus on themselves as the reference for proper or acceptable. They don't have enough awareness of objective realities to evaluate their problems in realistic terms. Knowing nothing of anything but themselves leaves nothing but themselves as their reference for existence. So persons who are different than themselves must be corrupters.

Corrupters view themselves as the center of their universe. Therefore, there should never be anything imposed onto them. What flows out from them must be the only state of existence. That's not a reality-based state of existence; it's a motive-based state of existence.

In other words, corrupters cannot understand why absence of social complexities could be a problem. Complexities must be bad; and simplicity must be good. Supposedly, answers would flow out of absence of any imposition. Flowing out of nowhere is the ethic promoted. Nowhere is the magical source of everything.

Notice in that view that complexities are just nonsense. The purpose of social structures and required knowledge has no meaning beyond complexities getting in the way.

The nowhere from which all flows is assumed to be the superior state of the persons who can see through the foolishness of complex processes used for solutions to problems. One of the most important bits of wisdom that superior persons are assumed to have is the realization that it take corruption as belligerent, defiant contempt and destruction of opponents to get real results. The hang-up on right-from-wrong is viewed as the ruination of man.

That's why some religious persons have no qualms in supporting Trump. His depravity is viewed as more of a bit of brilliance than a conflict with their religion.

With an absence of ordered existence and getting rid of misfits as the solution to problems, Nazism is the result. The Nazis had no ability to solve their problems, while they ran out of energy. So they assumed they could steal resources form other countries. They ran into too many problems doing that.

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