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What Is Their Bitch (complaint)?

January 10, 2021

In the context of there being something real wrong in politics, one question is the mechanisms of corruption. Another question is, what is lighting them off. The second question is a lot more abstruse and illusive than the simple philosophy of the mechanisms of corruption.

Trump's sycophants (the most hard core conservatives) are fired up about something. But it isn't that they found something to be more of a problem; it's the opposite. They finally found a method of expression, which makes them more vocal. They always were there but more subdued by overwhelming forces.

Either way (new force or new outlet) the underlying force is immutably constant for corrupters. Corrupters are overwhelmed; and what overwhelms them is what their complaint is.

What overwhelms corrupters is too simplistic to be stated in trite ways. It simply is the effects of rationality. But rationality is like water off a duck's back. Who cares? What would have more meaning? That's the challenge of getting to the bottom of the problem.

The impenetrability of the problem is shown by the fact that corrupters assume their corruption is superior to noncorruption. It means there is a force there that truth has not been able to penetrate.

A key and telling component of the complaint of corrupters is their hate for liberals. A liberal, to the extreme conservatives, is anyone who is not one of them. They assume most journalists are liberals, while journalists never say whether they are. But attempts to do what journalists are supposed to be doing is liberalism to the extreme conservatives. Producing rationality is what journalists are supposed to be doing; and it's what extreme conservatives hate.

Rationality has no meaning to corrupters; it's too abstract. They only see words as positive connotation of negative connotation. So corruption is their version of rationality.

What corrupters cannot tolerate is relating to objective reality. Doing that is worshipping the ruination of man to corrupters. They see the universe of objective realities as a polluting force that poisons the environment. Getting separated from objective reality is the need and endless quest in the promotion of an alternative which their opponents call corruption.

Corrupters cannot tolerate having objective reality imposed upon them. Reality should be anything that promotes their interests. Promoting their interests is assume to be the only thing relevant in life, while their interests should be the same as everyone else's interests. Therefore, allowing objective reality, which they cannot comprehend beyond an interfering influence, should be obliterated from existence. Yet someone keeps imposing that influence onto them, and liberals are primarily the instigators.

The existence of corrupters is like trying to survive a flood where the water keeps rising. The rising water is what liberals call objective reality. It is a threat to the existence of corrupters. It should be. It is used to end corruption.

In other words, corrupters cannot get to the starting point where their incompetent corruptness puts them in conflict with objective reality and the only answer would be for them to change, not the elimination of objective reality.


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