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Wishing Reality Into Existence

October 3, 2023

Incompetent power mongers have no judgment. So they acquire preposterous purposes with no concept of how they are going to get there.

It's official government policy to inhabit Mars while starting with the Moon. Why not inhabit the Sahara Desert first? There is more water in the Sahara Desert than on Mars or the Moon.

But the purpose of incompetent power mongers is to extend their existence throughout the universe, which is why they are forever looking for planets with water on them outside the solar system.

They assume they can keep corruption going forever by expanding their existence forever. It's a way to pretend that there is never any price to pay for their corruptions. Corrupters lie to themselves to rationalize the benefits of corruption.

Everything constructive starts with a plan that accounts for every element of the process. Otherwise, the unknowns create obstacles which cannot be overcome.

Power mongers do not create plans, because they have no concept of what the related realities are. They cross their bridges when they get to them. They assume any and every problem can be solved. They have never solved a single problem; but they see rational persons solving problems and assume the process is unlimited.

There isn't enough energy in hydrogen and oxygen to be going anywhere in space. Nuclear energy for spacecraft has been tried, but it is worse than hydrogen and oxygen, because high velocity exhaust is needed and the contraptions slow down the velocity.

For every force, there must be an equal and opposite force. That means to accelerate, something must be accelerated in the opposite direction with equal momentum. That also means some mass must be emitted in the opposite direction of travel in space. The mass runs out awful fast.

There are endless examples on Planet Earth of trying to wish realities into existence and failing. One example is trying to produce high speed rail in the U.S. Distances are too great for that, except for the East Coast corridor. It isn't working in California and probably won't work between Miami and Orlando Florida, because the unusual purpose is too limited for very many persons. Europe is totally different because of the short distances, which results in a lot of persons not having automobiles.

More relevant is trying to wish renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving into existence. To convince the public to go along, endless lying on top of lying is required, such as the pretense that five million dollar windmills are carbon free. Every dollar spent puts carbon into the atmosphere.

Batteries would have to be about fifty times more effective to electrify a small part of the transportation system. Know-nothings assume batteries will keep getting more effective. Batteries hit a wall long ago, because linearized electrons in batteries must be surrounded by a lot of chemicals and metal. But frauds keep lying about progress, while the results have been trivial to a point of irrelevance.

Even with perfect and magical batteries, there isn't enough metal on Planet Earth to electrify the smallest part of the transportation system. The transmission lines get more expensive than the sources when about three hundred miles long, while the lengths would need to be thousands of times greater than presently exist. Distributing the electricity along highways would be impossible, which is why charging stations don't exist and never will.

There is six times as much energy being used from fossil fuels as from electricity. That means to get rid of fossil fuels, electricity would need to be increased by six times as much. But so-called renewable sources of electricity hit a wall of impossibilities when they are 15% of total electricity, because electrical systems will not tolerate more than 15% fluctuations and back-up systems are not fast enough or complete enough to take out the fluctuations.

The frauds are trying to convince the public that electricity is the most efficient and effective form of energy. The opposite is true. Electricity is a wasteful specialty product that is not practical for scaling up. About 70 to 90% of the energy that goes into electricity is wasted before being used for a purpose. That's because every time electricity is touched, heat is produced as wasted energy. Electrons flowing through metal produce heat, as they bump into metal atoms, and always will when above absolute zero temperature. For that reason, transmission lines have 50% loss built in when long and 20% loss when short.

For those reasons, so-called renewable energy and electric vehicles hit a wall of impossibilities years ago, while incompetents keep trying to wish them into existence.

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Electricity Problem

Electric Vehicle Fraud

Renewable Energy Fraud

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