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Worship The Ruler

January 14, 2021

Any time Trump was under pressure, he turned to his sycophants and demanded worship. Worship is the protection of corrupt rulers from their opponents.

The reason for worship of the ruler is because the most extreme level of support and prevention of criticism or any method of attack that can be produced is worship. If anything more extreme could be produced it would be, but worship is the maximum.

So it doesn't just apply to the head political figure; it applies to all domination. Sometimes the worship element is more visible and sometimes less so. It's in the character and habits of corrupters.

When worship of the dominating figure is more visible, it creates a dichotomy. All insiders are praised; and all outsiders are degraded.

The purpose is to eliminate opposition. Realities are out of the question for corrupters, as they always lose where realities prevail. So they need to eliminate reality from the process. Worshipping them eliminates all realities from their problems.

Human existence is reality-based. Problems and solutions are defined by realities. Humans must study the realities related to problems and solutions to find solutions.

Corrupters fail at that process, so they must find a substitute, and it must be superior to the study of realities, if it is to replace the study of realities. To make fakery superior to knowledge, it must be stripped of realities.

It must also include a reason for demanding worship. Being superior is the only reason that will suffice. So dominating corrupters must pretend to be superior as the reason why they (and their sycophants) are supposed to be worshipped instead of opposed or criticized.

Fake superiority is required to make it work. That's why Trump pretends to be a "stable genius." He knows he isn't and that the claim is a mockery, but it is an operating principle that is needed to protect him from opponents through worship of the ruler as the mechanism. Trump states more openly and obnoxiously what other corrupters try to imply, because he doesn't convey implications as easily as other corrupters.


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