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The Wrong Type Of Politics

March 4, 2022

Politics should be about solving problems and nothing other than that. Of course, it's legal to reduce politics to subjectivity; but it's not constructive to do so. People have a right to their own subjective and personal lives and values without anyone else meddling or trying to change who they are.

Yet conservatives do nothing other than meddle in peoples' personal lives and values. The reason is because corrupters go swarming to the conservative cause, and all they ever do is subjectivize existence, because truth and the rationality which produces truth defeat them and expose them for the corrupters that they are.

One of the problems with subjectivizing politics is that someone else has to solve the problems. It's always the progressives, who are always liberals, who have to solve the problems.

So conservatives attack liberals for not solving the problems properly, while no one else is in the business of solving problems.

The way it works is that conservatives in government create a bunch of problems and then wait until liberals are in power and say they created the problems. It takes a few years for problems to develop, so liberals are accused of creating the problems which conservatives created years earlier, which can include corruptions which develop over decades, such as the results of deregulation. With forty years of deregulation, the liberals no longer have the laws that are needed for solving problems. Yet they are supposed to clean up the mess conservatives created.

As advanced as the conservative mess is at this time, it is not possible to solve the problems. Attempting and failing results in being blamed for causing the problems.

The most simple and obvious example at this time is conservatives having corporations burn two trillion tax dollars on stock buy-backs and then blaming liberals for an economic mess which can't be fixed.

Another example is Trump beating up trade competitors, which includes such things as preventing the French from selling wine in the U.S., which destroys trade balances, until someone reverses the problem. But the problem can never be entirely reversed, after the rest of the world finds that the U.S. is unreliable and trouble-making. So now the chip manufacturers decided that they would rather build chips for toys instead of for (U.S.) automobiles. They used to be locked onto necessities in developing their own and everyone else's economies. Trump disabused them of the notion of constructivity and adequacy.

Of course, subjectivizers need fraud to cover for the destructivity. An example is blaming liberals and Biden for creating an energy problem, such as blocking the Keystone XL pipeline.

The first fact is that the pipeline is a future effect, not influencing present conditions, as critics have already pointed out. But the worst thing about Keystone XL is that it is designed to endanger the only good source of clean water, the Missouri River, by going over river bluffs in South Dakota. Any break in the line, which has been invariable, will run the oil straight into the river. There is flat ground on the other side of the river which already has pipelines. When those lines break, the oil goes nowhere and gets scooped back up. So avoiding the safe area was an unnecessary scheme. The same was true of the Dakota Pipeline which went under the Missouri River twice instead of on the flat ground to the east.

On top of that fraud, pipelines do not determine how much oil Canada sells to the U.S., because they use railroad lines when they don't have pipelines.

Then the main reason why there is an energy problem right now is because the Trump Administration talked the Australians into antagonizing China by referring to the Corona virus as "the China virus." Refusing to repent, China stopped buying coal from Australia for one year, before deciding they had no alternative but to start buying coal from Australia again. Taking that mush coal out of circulation for one year is the entire cause of the present energy problem. China is buying up energy of all types from other sources to make up the difference, which is making energy unavailable elsewhere.

Then the lying that conservatives and power mongers do is also part of the problem. They aren't letting anyone know that Texas is running out of fracking oil. It's the reason why storage tanks have been empty for several years in the U.S. If the frauds weren't lying about it, methods could be taken to make up the loss. But the pretense is that Texas could be pumping all the oil anyone needs, that is, if Biden would just invite them to do so.

The evidence indicates that the same thing is happening with Saudi Arabia, as indicated by their attempts to go into the entertainment business while trying to sell their sand to someone else with no interested takers.

If conservatives and incompetent power mongers weren't doing so much lying, the energy problem could be confronted head on. Ultimately, that would require responsible nuclear energy. But fake greens are quite successful in combatting nuclear energy while there is supposedly endless amounts of oil that they want to keep in the ground.

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The March To Fascism

Where Fake Science Came From

Draining The Economy Dry

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How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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