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What Ordered Existence Does


August 24, 2023

Corrupters are fighting a war against rationality. Rationality is how ordered existence is created and sustained. No rationality; no ordered existence.

Laws and social structures are products of rationality that create ordered existence. Corrupters are fighting a war against governmental laws and converting social structures into power structures for personal gain at everyone else's expense.

It means corrupters assume they can get along better without ordered existence. But the assumptions of corrupters are not analyses. It means corrupters move in a direction which yields power without accounting for consequences.

What then are the consequences with or without ordered existence? For some corrupters, ordered existence is needed for partying. They don't know they need ordered existence for partying. For incompetents who control power, ordered existence is needed for exploitation. They don't know they need ordered existence for exploitation.

Power mongers conspire to replace the human state of existence with a fake version of reality. Renewable energy and electric vehicles are not goals; they are absurdities. They are promoted as a process of replacing rationality with fakery for power mongering purposes.

The fakery replaces ordered existence with the emptiness of power mongering fraud. It's not where power mongers expect to end up; it is simply the path for immediate gains in mongering power.

The conspirators never expect to get to an end-point. They expect exploitation of frauds to go on forever.

There needs to be ordered existence before exploitation can exist. So the nature of ordered existence and it's necessary characteristics need to be described.

Ordered existence allows complexities to interact without destroying each other including humans to interact in a manner which does not destroy each other. And for that reason, the most noticeable result of corrupters destroying ordered existence is wars against everyone but a diminishing number of like-minded conspirators. The Nazis had to fight a war against everyone around them.

Corrupters don't mind fighting a war against everyone and everything, because they assume they are getting a bum deal out of life and they don't want anyone else to be better off than themselves. They always assume they can win the next war, even if they lost all previous wars.

Government laws have the purpose of preventing conflicts from destroying ordered existence. Social structures define boundaries around activities to prevent conflicts from destroying ordered existence.

Conflicts destroy ordered existence. That's why knowledge is acquired. It is needed to determine what the conflicts are and how they are avoided where there are complexities.

Replacing science with fakery does not protect against conflicts, while corrupters assume fraud is as good as (actually, better than) objective reality in exploiting and dominating everyone else.

So corrupters create problems, while rational persons try to solve problems; and corrupters assume rationality is for fools. Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed the purpose of life is to be a winner and rationality is for fools.

Reagan also said, government is the problem. He meant the element of laws in government is the problem, while government should be a personal, power mongering tool. He broke more laws than Trump in attempting to get elected by telling Iranians to not release hostages until after the election and weapons would be traded for hostages as the reward.

To strip laws out of government, Reaganites used so-called deregulation to get rid of "eighty years of liberalism gone awry." Eighty years of liberalism gone awry meant the laws designed to protect banking from the "robber barons" along with the social programs designed by FDR and LBJ.

Without ordered existence, government to corrupters is about persons who promote values. Supposedly, society can be converted into a group of persons promoting values related to domination and exploitation which includes personal aggrandizement and entertainment. The purpose is to build up the image of winners with entertainment defining success. Everything else supposedly takes care of itself in spite of fraud and corruption tearing it down.

Renewable Energy Fraud

What Progressive Means

The March To Fascism

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



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The March To Fascism
Radiative Transfer Equations
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Firing Scientists
Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
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Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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