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What Abstract Reality Is


All knowledge is abstract, which means it must be acquired through study rather than perception. Corrupters acquire reality through perception only, which means they have no knowledge.

Abstract reality is nonperceivable reality. It is required for awareness of relationships between realities—an element of judgement.

Without sufficient abstract reality, superficiality misses the most important elements of a subject—the causes of results.

All corruption starts with an absence of abstract reality which tells relationships between one thing and another. No relationships, no rationality, no knowledge, no constructivity, no right-from-wrong.

Corruption reduces realities to perceivable reality only. It means corrupters are only aware of what they bump into. They lack self-awareness, even while they care only about themselves.

With very little abstract reality, the focus is moved toward material objects. With abstract reality, the location moves to the standards and procedures of constructivity.

So, of course, corrupters hate abstract reality. It exposes their incompetence and corruptness. There is no awareness of incompetence or corruption without abstract reality; there's just objects moving around.

The nice thing about stripping abstract reality from a subject is that victims can be framed as perpetrators, and perpetrators can be moaned as victims.

Reversing the morality of the subject is how power mongers pit socialism against capitalism. The common word game is used to define the subject, which means socialists want government to own everything, and capitalists favor freedom to invest and develop resources. Only the most depraved animals could disagree. Then the word game shifts to redefining the subject. Any resources belonging to the lower classes is socialism, and sucking money up with a vacuum cleaner is capitalism.

Abstract reality puts an end to such frauds. It shows the entire subject instead of external fakery which twists and bends around the motives of the persons who give themselves the power to control other peoples' lives.

Basic, abstract reality is the most definitive part of reality. Omitting it is omitting the essence which defines everything. It’s like omitting iron from steel. You wouldn’t have steel without the iron. And you don't have reality without the most basic elements of abstract reality.

abstract knowledge

black hole

Everything goes in meaningless circles in the absence of basic, abstract reality. Everything is someone's opinion countered by someone else's opinion. Nothing can be definitive or stable without basic, abstract reality.


Basic, abstract reality is the essence of knowledge. A lot of things are called knowledge, just as a lot of things are called technology. But unless it is the most basic, abstract knowledge, it is not complete enough to determine the causes of and answer to problems. Judgement becomes erroneous without the abstract knowledge that explains the essence and cause-and-effect relationships of a subject.

Endless time is required to evaluate complexities while building knowledge upon previous knowledge. It's important to get disconnected from distractions to get basic, abstract reality under control, because the material is the most complex there is.

One reason for the lack of basic, abstract knowledge is because there is not enough time to do the evaluating. Doing other things absorb all activities and leaves no space for basic, abstract evaluation.

There is, of course, an opposition to basic, abstract reality. It clarifies laws of the universe and objective reality through logic. Objective reality has de facto laws within it in terms of cause-and-effect relationships. Clarifying stabilizes by creating undeniability. Some persons despise being restricted to defined laws. They want unlimited options in making sin pay. Clarifying basic, abstract reality makes sin more difficult to get by with.

An example of what this means is in global warming. When conservatives say humans are not causing global warming, at the science level they say the physics of the so-called greenhouse effect is flawless perfection, but heating is not occurring because of the effects of clouds. The physics of greenhouse gases could not be a bigger fraud in science.

Conservatives don't want anyone to know that there is corruption in the power structures, while they oppose the liberal (greens') attack upon petroleum companies. The basic, abstract reality of the subject is in 500 years of evolved knowledge in science which shows that no such thing as a greenhouse gas exists. And then, to correct errors, the reason for the corruption must be explained in terms of how power is mongered and what corruption is.

Incompetent power mongers who took over the social structures do not have good judgement, because they do not develop basic, abstract reality as knowledge. They only see the surface of things and not the cause-and-effect relationships which determine results. They plug in rationalizations to support their motives in place of basic realities, which makes them wrong about everything. They get by by replicating borrowed realities, which are always misrepresentations. Bias, prejudice and assumptions are the result of replacing abstract knowledge with rationalizations for motives.


RationalityRationality is the process of evaluating relationships between realities. Without rationality, there is no knowledge, proper representation of reality or relationship to the objective reality which makes up the universe and defines life.

An underlying social problem is lack of proper standards of rationality, which requires explanations of claims and responding to criticism. No one should be allowed to impose their corruptions onto society without proper standards of handling realities. Yet defying proper standards is how corruption is imposed upon everyone.


Engineering does not require abstract reality, as engineers apply pre-determined math to a task. Basically, engineers do not evaluate, which would require abstract reality. Progress is made by non-engineers including some physicists and idea persons such as Steve Jobs, who invented the smart phone and only had a few months of college.

This is why engineers are not correcting the fakery surrounding renewable energy and electric vehicles. Engineers are given fake data which they plug into their equations such as electric motors getting 96% efficiency. It takes a lot of stupidity to not know how absurdly impossible it is to get high efficiency out of such a transformation of energy. But engineers are trained to not question the procedures they are given.

It's why they designed an aircraft carrier with magnetic lifts for moving aircraft to the surface of the deck, while there is no such thing as magnetic lifts and never will be. One old-fashioned elevator had to be shoehorned in where there was supposed to be eight elevators.

Other Explanations For Weather Problems

Gravity Wave Measurements Were Faked

Fake Electrical Efficiency

Firing Scientists

IPCC Fraud

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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