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Sociology Of Corruption  85

Accommodating Corruption

January 7, 2023

Fakery is how corruption is accommodated. That means the undesirable effects of corruption are masqueraded as marvels. There is always a degree of exaggeration when an effect is compensating for an opposite effect. So the marvels are not very credible. But corrupters don't expect credibility, because everything they do is fakery and fraud for ulterior motives.

The clearest examples are physics frauds, such as gravity wave measurements. Billions of dollars are spent on gravity wave projects with no attempt at credibility. Claiming to measure motion at one tenth of an attometer (100 million times smaller than the vibration of atoms) is the opposite of credibility. The incredibility is maximized for the purpose of blocking discussion of the scientific absurdities.

Why waste billions of dollars on fake physics projects? To compensate for the fraud of physics. Glamorizing expensive projects redirects the realities toward wonder and worship to replace the mundane evaluation of fraud science. Since the realities have the ulterior motive of redirecting purposes, the entire reality element of the projects and the credibility become irrelevant. The fake wondrousness of the marvels is supposed to cover over the fraud of the physics.

Hydrogen fusion projects have much the same purpose in covering over the fraud of incompetents with fake wonders plus the additional purpose of spending hundreds of billions of dollars creating fake endeavors for frauds. Huge projects enhancing the power of incompetent physicists assist in expanding power mongering conspiracies throughout society.

At the physics level, the conspirators know what a fraud renewable energy and electric vehicles are. Frauds in physics dump the fake technology onto gullible fools as a pretense of solving social problems. In fact, most of the know-nothings who impose the fake technology onto society know at least there is no factual basis for the hype on those subjects, such as "on par with coal," even if they are clueless on the detailed science.

The fake technology is needed as a cover for the ruinous results of the incompetent conspirators. Even if the fake technology disintegrates into worthless junk, which it is doing, the fakes have still overwhelmed the social order with their wonderous solutions to problems. Failure still creates the fraud of supposedly having the most noble purposes.

Gravity Wave Measurements

Nuclear Fusion

Electricity Is The Problem

Wall At 15% Renewables

Windmill Efficiency

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