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Contempt For Science

August 27, 2023

Science is extending basic knowledge into unknown areas, which requires strict standards of verifiable measurements. Basic realities are abstract. That means nonperceivable. They are determined through relationships to surrounding realities; so 500 years of evolved scientific knowledge is an important element. Yet any of the realities can be questioned based on evidence.

Corruption is the diabolical opposite. It's whim flowing out from persons with no definable meaning, where values are more important than realities.

Corrupters have no respect for science, because they must monger power to defy, prevail and dominate to make themselves winners with no constructivity being required. They fight a war against rationality, because the process exposes them as the incompetent corrupters that they are. They do not allow demands to be placed upon themselves, because they cannot meet demands, which causes them to reduce ordered existence to nonexistence and convert social structures including government into power structures for their personal gain at everyone else's expense.

For the same reason, corrupters hate problem-solving and "the good of all." They need to obliterate human standards and purposes in life to elevate incompetence above human existence as their method of becoming winners.

With science being the most exacting methodology for aligning upon realities as basic knowledge, it becomes the most hated form of aligning upon realities by corrupters.

The absurdities that corrupters promote are a result of their contempt for realities. Doesn't everyone need to align upon realities in life? Not corrupters. Corruption is the attempt to defy realities. It takes power to defy realities. So corrupters monger power as a method of defying realities.

Corrupters assume science is what losers produce in trying to become winners through a lot of complexities which they can never succeed at. The complexities of science—and all rationality—must supposedly be defied to create winners the real way.

Using power to prevail is defiance—not just defiance of persons but defiance of everything. Persons can only be defied if realities can be defied.

Corrupters are right about their assumption that science and rationality must be defied to be winners by their criteria of what winners are. To corrupters, winners are persons who can defy. Their purpose is to prevail over other persons through defiance.

Corrupters monger power for the purpose of prevailing over other persons, which is domination. Being dominated prevents people from functioning constructively, because nothing can be accomplished with corrupters running their lives into the ground.

Defiance of persons by defiance of realities includes contempt for science. That's because science describes laws of the universe. Corrupters cannot be subject to laws of the universe and still be defiant of persons. They have to pick one or the other: laws of the universe or their ability to prevail through defiance of everyone and everything.

In other words, corruption is a shortcut method of becoming winners by prevailing. There is no shortcut method of prevailing that is constructive. Corrupters would agree in the sense that they don't intend to be constructive. They want to be winners without being constructive.

Do you see what that leads to? It leads to terrorism. That's exactly how corrupters want to prevail—through terrorism. Of course the goals have been dampened through the bad image of visible terrorism including Trumps' attempt to take over the government through terrorism.

But the image problem can supposedly be solved by being winners and showing how wonderful power mongers are in solving everyone's problems through the bliss of power. Corrupters don't get there very easily, but they have that purpose in spite of Trump blowing their image.

As corrupters become losers, they don't assume becoming losers is inevitable in mongering power to be winners. They assume opponents run a lot of interference; and therefore, it is their opponents who are creating the problems, not corrupters mongering power.

That's why conservatives assume Trump is above the law. Law is assumed to be for losers, not godly persons such as Trump. They assume applying law to Trump's criminality is what losers do in trying to prevent superior persons from prevailing by acquiring power.

Here is a common quote by someone in the Bush-II administration. The usual assumption is that Karl Rove produced the quote, but it was probably not Rove.

October 17, 2004, New York Times Magazine article by writer Ron Suskind, quoting an unnamed aide to George W. Bush:

The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

Why did the quoted person assume that becoming an empire was necessary to defy reality? Because defiance of reality requires terrorism and only an empire can get by with terrorism and decree it to be virtue.

The March To Fascism

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



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