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November 15, 2020

Persons who feel insecure due to their incompetence and corruptness use conspiracies as a source of psychological security. The consensus of a large group makes them feel secure with incompetence and corruptness. Conspiring turns their ignorance into brilliance and the corruptions into virtues.

There is not a logic to it. It just feels right. Corrupters operate by feel instead of logic.

Without a logic, arguments and evidence are repelled like water off a duck's back. Trying to convince them of something gets nowhere. Proving something to them gets nowhere. They acquire their reality from their group only.

Since the consensus of the group is so valuable to such persons, their orientation toward everything is a battle of us-against-them. That mind-frame puts them in conflict with objective reality, which results in conflicts with everyone else.

To get realities out of their way, they use synthetic reality. Where normal persons start with the condition of reality as truth and knowledge, the conspirators start with the power of the group. Reality problems would diminish the power of the group; so they try to eliminate realities as a problem by synthesizing realities which seem to them to be less of a problem.

Of course, their reality problem creates conflicts with everyone else, but they don't care. They rely upon the security of their group and try to insulate themselves from outside influences.

It only works with the power to defy; so the conspirators are defiant. They have to be defiant to maintain group power in conflict with everyone else. If they allowed realities to be relevant, the power of the group would be dissipated.

Realities do that. They not only dissipate group power, they dissipate all forms of corruption as sources of power.

Of course, the condition of reality is important in determining its significance. Only truth has the ability to bowl over corruption. Truth means consistent relationships to all the rest of unified reality.

So the conspirators must fight a war against truth to maintain group power. They lie for the sake of lying as a method of sustaining their conspiracies in conflict with everyone else.

This is why we see lying for the sake of lying and lies being promoted as alternative facts. It looks like something new, but only the degree of success in acquiring power is new. Trump brought the conspirators to the surface and gave them a feeling of invincibility which they didn't have before.



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