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The Incessant lying

November 6, 2020

There is no explanation for the extreme lying of Trump and his followers, as if the aberration might go away some day or might have some trivial cause. Yet, the consequences keep compounding as the excuse for Trump corrupting all that he does.

The lying is an element of a larger pattern. It's about ten or twenty percent of the mechanism for redesigning reality. All corrupters are trying to redesign the universe around themselves in their attempts to make corruption virtue and virtue corruption.

Trump goes about that process in a more obnoxious way than usual, which includes more extreme lying than usual. Corrupters usually try to finesse their conflict with the universe more than Trump does.

Trump's group is using the extreme lies as an attack upon opposing realities, which includes persons who get in their way. The lies are deliberate; and that is why they are so extreme and obvious. The lies are used to machine gun the opposition. They need to be as obvious and objectionable as possible for that purpose.

The focus of conservatives has always been to solve some problem which no one else can see. That purpose supersedes normalcy, constructivity, truth, knowledge, etc. It's why conservatives don't have to be constructive, normal or knowledgeable. Solving the problem which others refuse to solve works better when being an ignorant, degenerate, cold-blooded destroyer.

In the early years of the conservative take-over (1981), the problem was communism. With the vaporization of communism, nothing changed in the purposes of conservatives. Defeating some overwhelming force and enemy was still the purpose.

Conservatives fight their war with a war mentality. That means weaponizing realities, standards and purposes. Weaponization doesn't look the way rational persons expect things to look. So explanations don't exist in terms of rationality.

Trump had a label for the problem: It was swamp. Swamp was all organized activity. Draining the swamp was eliminating everyone with knowledge and experience.

Therefore, one of the explanations suggested for Trump's support is that the purpose is to rebel against the way things are. The obnoxiousness of Trump and his supporters supposedly has that purpose. It takes vile-looking effort to get rid of the way things are.

The fraud of corrupters opposing a state of existence is in the fact that corruption has always been one of the problems in life. Yet more corruption is supposedly the answer, in the view of corrupters. Going from bad to worse is always their fix.

Trump takes the corrupters' purpose to a more obnoxious extreme than usual, which includes extreme lying which is not finessed in the usual manner.



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