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The Reaction Of Lawlessness

November 3, 2020

Corrupters are lawless, because laws create demands, while corrupters cannot meet demands.

Corrupters make a decision to be corrupters. Without a decision, they would still be trying to do what is expected of them. After the decision, they make no attempt to do what is expected of them.

That means corrupters do not respond to external influences in a rational manner. Their responses are reactive, not evaluative. Reactive means responses aligned on motives instead of realities.

Realities become a polluted medium which is repelled by corrupters. In place of a reality medium, corrupters create a force medium. Forces are designed to impose motives. Motives are outflows of assumed self-interest.

To make the decision to corrupt is to reject the reality medium. There is no such thing as the absence of the reality medium. It's like a fish deciding to reject water. It puts the fish in a position of futility.

The futility of corruption reduces the existence of corrupters to nonsense. Relevance of everything disappears. Self only exists as forces in conflict with existence. Rhyme, reason and purpose disappear.

What remains is whim. Sometimes the result is called anarchy, but that label has a problem, as it is a noun representing adjectives and verbs. The noun implies an end point as a state of existence. There is no such state.

The noun for the result is totalitarianism. The chaos of whim overwhelming realities can only result in totalitarianism, as there will always be a ruler that replaces realities with whim which is totalitarian in that no realities are tolerated.

Whim as outflow of forces stemming from motives excludes realities. A small amount of reality creates problems for corrupters, as all realities are interrelated.

Of course, there is no such thing as total absence of realities. The realities that cannot be removed from awareness become rejected mockeries.

Purposes shift from constructivity to being winners. Winning is produced through defiant aggression, which is usually produced by being overwhelmingly annoying, disruptive and degrading.

Laws attempt to cope with corruption. They are designed to do the opposite of what corrupters are trying to do, which is stabilize realities and relationships between realities. In other words, laws attempt to undo what corrupters are trying to do.

Corrupters assume laws are directed against them and their purposes. They couldn't be wrong about it. But instead of admitting defeat, corrupters try to put an end to laws. Totalitarians have that purpose.


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The Origins Of Totalitarianism

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