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Correcting In The Dark

November 7, 2023

Social media is designed to promote trash realities. Of course, something needs to be done about it.

The latest trend is to correct realities in the dark, such as so-called fact checking, having the government determine what is allowed or having unnamed geeks redesign algorithms. It's not possible. Darkness does not correct realities. The fact that the deciders don't know that means the problem is getting worse, not better.

The whole problem in someone deciding what reality should be is that erasing reality is not a correction of reality. Even if the deciders knew what correcting should be, nothing is gained by them knowing while no one else knows. And of course, idiots who don't know that don't know what reality should be. Each idiot assumes reality should be aligned upon their motives instead of someone else's.

Of course, the most obvious example is the fact checkers, government and geeks not allowing anyone to contradict their destruction of energy and transportation systems to remove carbon dioxide from the air, while they can't spell physics.

More basically, darkness promotes the problem rather than corrects it. Correcting requires increased reality, not reduced reality. The fixers not knowing that, only creates more problems.

Not knowing that realities need to increase rather than decrease becomes apparent every time someone tries to set up a truth commission; yet the attempts never end. Instead of truth commissions, there needs to be process commissions. A process commission would be a guaranty that methods of criticism are allowed.

The only solution to problems is increased truth. Corruption cannot prevail where truth is adequately produced. Yet the fixers assume less truth is the answer.

Truth produces the universal solutions. That means people find out what is right or wrong instead of ignorant fixers deciding for them.

Instead of allowing persons who know what truth is tell us, no one is allowed to produce truth, because ignorant corrupters cannot tolerate truth. Truth exposes ignorant corrupters for what they are. So the avenues for producing truth are closed down as the supposed answer to reality problems.

How should the avenues for producing truth be created? By reversing sixty years of fascism gone awry. No easy task. The reason why fascism prevailed is the reason why it is not easily fixed. Fascism prevailed by power mongers overwhelming the social structures. Putting the social structures back together isn't something the ignorant corrupters know how to do.

Corrupters say, whose truth? It shows how dumb they are. The universe determines what truth is. Truth increases through the interaction of realities; but it is the rational persons who generate truth by producing the proper explanations which bowl over stupid claims.

Truth is the communicated representation of unified reality. Unified reality is all reality aligned upon the objective realities of the universe which define life and solutions to problems.

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