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Sociology Of Corruption  112

The Problem With Social Media


July 10, 2023

The "information super highway" was destroyed by not allowing searching below about 200 items and then filling those 200 spaces with garbage. Social media then replaced the original internet.

A lot of persons have been saying there is something wrong with social media, but they never explain what it is. The primary problem with social media is that it replaced "the information super highway" with decadent entertainment. But the entertainment is not just fun and games; it's a method for corrupters to promote their motives.

There is nothing other than that that can come out of social media, because it is not a proper methodology for producing rationality. And that problem is entirely why social media was created and what it is used for. Corrupters cannot tolerate the amount of truth produced by the information super highway, and reducing purposes to corruption is how they eliminate truth that they cannot tolerate.

So the nature of the process demands an explanation of why it is not the answer to everything rather than a method of exterminating truth. Let's start with this truism: All corruption requires a conspiracy, while all constructivity requires rationality aligned upon the objective realities of the universe rather than the contrivances of corrupters.

Rationality means evaluating relationships between realities, which aligns realities upon the objective realities of the universe which define life and solutions to problems. The result is unified reality. All constructivity must align upon the unified reality of the universe.

Steve Jobs creating the smart phone shows how rationality works. He had the right background and was disconnected from the conspiracies that destroy rationality. He only had a few months of college, which disconnected him from the power mongers. Still, he was shoved out of the business that he created, until it went bankrupt and let him back in. Then he had an impossible task in financing a large project. But he knew exactly how to go about it. He spent two years convincing Hollywood to get back into the music business, so he could create the I-Pod as a source of revenue for creating the smart phone.

Why couldn't the power mongers do that? What a joke. Beating who up to create two new technology devices?

The information super highway was allowing rational persons to defy the power mongers. The power mongers do not allow anyone to defy them. So they replaced the real internet with a garbage process called social media.

What social media consists of is propagandists feeding corruption into a brewing pot of nonsense and entertainment, while buttons are used to push the nonsense around. Nowhere in that process can rationality be produced, because it takes a lot of words to explain complexities in a rational manner; and only individual efforts can accomplish the task.

The original internet was a large group of individuals producing their own products for a wide range of purposes. A wide range of purposes is not allowed by power mongers. They need one, homogeneous product, because they need to force themselves onto every one else against the objective realities of the universe which expose them as the incompetent corrupters that they are.

From the beginning of the internet, the power mongers were in a panic to get the crazies off the internet. The crazies were critics exposing them as the destroyers that they are. The power mongers didn't succeed in getting the crazies off the internet, until they could destroy the original internet as a group of individuals expressing themselves.

They did that by not allowing searches to go beyond about two hundred items and then filling those two hundred spaces with garbage. Doing that also made businesses invisible; so they had to turn to Amazon to gain visibility.

The real crazies never noticed. They dove into the new form of decadent entertainment and assumed it was the essence of the internet. There is no way to get constructivity out of that process. But idiots assume they can remove corruption from the process. No one has ever succeeded in remove corruption from the processes that produce corruption.

The Attempt To Fix

To attempt to fix social media is to perpetuate the criminality of it. The primary problem is that youngsters are trying to evaluate life and find a path in life, while they are being exposed to a mess of criminality that has no possibility of being properly evaluated.

At one time, reading books served that purpose. It was a method of learning about the world and the methods of evaluating and communicating. Then television added more information in a rational manner. Social media made the process invisible due to its absorbing nature in addition to replacing it with nonconstructive methods.

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