The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  145

Degradation Of Knowledge And Technology


December 4, 2023

The social order is being reduced to nonfunctionality by degradation of knowledge and technology. Degraded technology is expensive, limitedly available and destructive to environments, resources and budgets—exactly what incompetent power mongers want it to be. They expect to get their problems solved with it, while everyone else grovels beneath their feet.

The most extreme examples can't be corrected, because they are highly developed social controversies. Once a controversy is developed, the forces are aligned and rationalized with trash realities which repel corrections.

Of course, greenhouse gases are the most significant example. They don't exist; and they are the basis for reducing the social order to nonfunctionality with fraud solutions which are unlimitedly expense and destructive to environments and resources.

Any idiot could figure out what the problem is, because real scientists have been describing it for more than a century. Simple science disappears in the motives of the corrupters.

The most significant example is that more than a century ago real scientists studied absorption of radiation by carbon dioxide and said there is so little radiation available that it all gets absorbed in a short distance of travel in the atmosphere, so more carbon dioxide cannot absorb more radiation. That effect is called saturation. Frauds, in science and out, pretend that saturation doesn't exist, while a fraudulent mathematical procedure was developed that erases saturation called radiative transfer equations.

The motive is explained at the top of the previous web page as this: Incompetent power mongers try to use contrivance as a replacement for the rationality that places demands upon them and exposes them as the corrupters that they are. Contrivance needs to be irrelevant to meet the demands. Being irrelevant means it needs to be imposed. (Selling Contrivance).

The purpose of corrupters is to move existence out of the realm of objective reality produced through rationality and into a reactionary alternative which has no consistent realities. Corrupters assume there is a state of existence that is more practical than rational constructivity. The Reaganites assumed they were instituting that state of existence, which they referred to as "a new normal."

Normal is defined by the laws of the universe which define life and solutions to problems. Corrupters cannot tolerate such normalcy, because the demands for rationality expose them as the incompetent corrupters that they are. Isn't it more than absurd to assume they can create an alternative?

The reason why corrupters assume they can create an alternative to the normalcy created by the laws of the universe is because they use an alternative as their method of winning by dominating to prevail. It gives them a three second win, which they translate into a path in life.

Corrupters create their three second wins by mongering power to prevail. Mongering power means using force to prevail over rationality. Generating the power of numbers by conspiring gives them the ability to prevail over rationality through force and violence.

Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed that being a winner is the purpose in life and rationality is for fools. Rationality requires explaining claims.

Reagan said getting elected a second time was "morning in America." He assumed people saw the light of the new normal. There was an actual transition in society from rationality prevailing to force prevailing during the Reagan years. A major element of the transition was so-called deregulation, which meant throwing out critical laws which conservatives said forced them to fight their war with one hand tied behind their backs.

Reagan also said, government is the problem. Government and laws evolved over five thousand years as a method of protecting the social order from corruption. The need to remove all of that shows that promoting corruption is the purpose of the new normal. Conservatives call it freedom. They are hung up on freedom in their attempts to erase normalcy as rationality which is demanding to produce and generates truth about their corruptness.

But the political manifestations of power mongers overthrowing rational existence was preceded by centuries of fraud in physics which charted the path. From physics, the social structures were converted into power structures for personal gain by the corrupters. Government was the last of the social structures to be overthrown due to the institutionalization of elements of democracy with openness and accountability.

With no obstacles in sight, corrupters are redesigning the social order around their chaotic alternative to rational existence. Out of chaos springs exploitable decadence that gives incompetent corrupters control over our lives. Power mongers are lords of the gutters. They need gutters to lord over.

To lord over the gutters, corrupters glamorize decadence such as the fake science and technology that are bankrupting the social order and destroying environments and resources. Look at the most recent example—fake artificial intelligence—and how it is being promoted. The frauds pretend that it is excelling over human awareness and capabilities, while all it does is scan a complex data base and feed back a quasi average. Almost nothing humans do is entered into a complex data base for the crap to scan. So literature is used as the test; and then the impressiveness for idiots is used to glamorize the fakery.

More expensive is the pretense of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, while there is a shortage needed for photosynthesis due to oceans removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and tying it up as limestone and calcium carbonate. There is always an excess of calcium available which saturates the oceans due to its low solubility.

Calcium in the oceans attracts carbon dioxide and precipitates it out. That process has been occurring throughout terrestrial life beginning half a billion years ago. Almost all carbon dioxide was removed from the atmosphere 300 million years ago; but in the nick of time, volcanoes increased due to the thickening of tectonic plates, which temporarily restored the critical levels of carbon dioxide needed for material life.

CO2 graphNow the volcanoes are dying down, as tectonic plates get so thick that lava does not easily get to the surface; and the result is that carbon dioxide is again getting to a critically low level in the atmosphere. Greenhouse operators add three to five times as much carbon dioxide to the air to promote plant growth.

And yet the glamorization of decadence prevails, as wanton know-nothings turn hell over to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. As the fraud results become obviously impractical, the fakes use futurism to claim they are on the verge of breakthroughs which will solve the problems in the next five years of so. The next five years are never ending in the catastrophes and solutions.

With those purposes, nothing is left untouched by the destroyers. The U.S. transitioned from the most powerful and progressive country to the level of disgraceful losers, as the built up power was taken over by incompetent power mongers and used for their personal gain at everyone else's expense. Trump is the measure of the decadence. He is not the source of anything; he is too incompetent to be the source of anything. He is the product of the fascism that the destroyers generated in replacing rationality with power mongering decadence.

Artificial Intelligence Frauds

Quotes On Greenhouse Gases

The March To Fascism

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
Draining The Economy Dry
The March To Fascism
Radiative Transfer Equations
Quotes On Greenhouse Fraud
Other Factors Heat The Planet
Firing Scientists
Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
Gravity Waves
Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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