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Destructuring The Social Order

April 1, 2024

There is a tsunami wall that goes with the socialization of corruption as fascism. It's not a force or set of realities. It's an absence of the opposition to corruption. The opposition to corruption normally evolves over time and takes the form of social structures. Eliminating or ignoring social structures is how fascism is imposed onto society.

Certainly corruption relies upon force; but once fascism takes over the social order, social structures are ignored rather than combatted through force. We see that happening, as corrupters expect their whims to determine results with no regard for existing laws or rules that say otherwise.

Social structures are rules including laws that are created to set limits on unacceptable standards. The reason why rules are created is to stabilize and teach requirements that should always be held. Once stabilized, the rules can be improved and built upon, which creates an evolution of improvements.

The reason why rules are needed is the reason why corrupters need to destroy them. What rational and constructive persons are trying to achieve is what corrupters are trying to destroy.

Perhaps the starting point explains the problem better than the end result. The starting point for the socialization of corruption is that incompetents trying to be winners find that defiance is needed to prevail against opponents. Why opponents are opponents is not clear to corrupters; they just know that they must defy opponents and prevail against them to be winners.

Who wouldn't want to be a winner? With no concept of what or why, winning is the sacred ground for corrupters. Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed there could be no question that being a winner is the purpose in life and rationality is for fools. Rationality requires explanation of claims.

The whole concept of being a winner is devoid of meaning where there is rationality. When rationality aligns upon objective realities as the purpose, winning is a destructive force, not an unquestionable virtue.

Winners need to destructure the social order to remove obstacles at winning. Winners need nothing standing in their way, because winning is a conflict with ordered existence.

Life is ordered complexity. Death is disordered complexity. Winners need disorder, because they are incapable of functioning competitively where there is rationality.

Reaganites said laws were forcing them to fight their war with one hand tied behind their backs. So they tried to throw out critical laws as so-called deregulation. They played upon the difficulties of problematic laws, largely which they corrupted, as the pretext for throwing out the laws rather than making them work better.

As corruption evolves and gets more extreme, the rules needed for ordered existence are removed more thoroughly from the social order and replaced by the whims of authoritarians.

If there can only be one authoritarian dictator, why do sycophants want to follow such persons? Because the dictator is setting social standards, which allows the followers to do something similar in defying rules which get in their way.

The fact that corrupters create more problems for themselves does not enter the equation for corruption, because the starting point of being winners disconnects from all elements of constructivity. Anything but winning must be for fools; so constructivity is for fools.

Corruption is driven by the need for a short-cut method of succeeding. Results must come out of a dark pit rather than rationality applied to objective reality. The wizardry of solutions coming out of nothing is assumed by corrupters to be a superior standard to the difficulties of rationality.

Solutions coming out of nothing requires the absence of rules and social complexities. It's stripping human existence down to an animalistic level. Animal level existence supposedly creates places to party, when superior results come out of nothing. The assumed reason why it doesn't work is because of opponents creating social complexities with rules which get in the way of corrupters doing as they please.

Of course corrupters have their own requirements; but they are not real rules, because they are not clear and stable. In fact, it is impossible to meet all of the demands of dictators due to endless contradictions. But the sycophants work hard trying to please the conspirators controlled by dictators by meeting the expectations, which includes the classic "self-censuring" of journalists.

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