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Rules-Based Problem

March 25, 2024

Rules are needed for ordered existence. That's why Congress or parliaments exist—to create laws in the most open and accountable manner possible.

But there has been a lot of complaints about the "rules-based" activity of the U.S. and Western countries. The contradictions require some explaining.

There is more than one force involved. Rational persons attempt to create rules to cope with corruption. But the rules are defied by conspirators operating in the dark and accountable to no one.

Constructivity cannot be produce in the darkness of lack of openness and accountability. There is way too much darkness in governments. When rational persons attempt to correct wrongs in the dark processes, they are called whistleblowers and persecuted. Congress has written endless laws attempting to protect whistleblowers to no avail. Corrupters acting in the dark defy and despise laws.

All corruption operates as conspiracies. For that reason the Bible uses the terms sin and conspiracy interchangeably. Conspiracies add the power of numbers to corruption along with the darkness that disconnects from rational existence.

So when the conspirators go forth to corrupt a process, the darkness that they operate in removes accountability for the process. Under those conditions, the results of corruption come out of nowhere—that is, nowhere that can be identified through openness and accountability.

With no accountability for conspiracies in the dark, the results are like a tsunami that overwhelms rational existence. Isn't that the result for every conflict? While rational persons flounder along the side-lines, the conspirators walk away with the process, like a tsunami washing over the process.

So the rules-based existence is needed, no matter how futile, but it does not prevail where darkness allows conspirators to overwhelm the process.

Why Conspiracies

Conspirators believe that conspiring is something good rather than something bad. Yet the general meaning of conspiracy is doing something bad; and something would not be called conspiracy if it were actually good. If doing good, the process might be called collaboration—something the highest achievers do.

It means conspirators are trying to portray something bad as something good. So the essence of conspiracy is to promote bad as good. The numerical element of persons involved in conspiracy is simply the enhancement of power. The purpose is to use corruption in place of constructivity as a supposedly superior standard.

Corrupters can't understand why destructivity isn't the answer to everything. They know that destroying is destructive; but they assume a lot of things need to be destroyed. In fact, they assume destroying what needs to be destroyed will solve all problems.

They don't understand that human existence is based on rationality. It doesn't come out of nothing. It takes knowledge and constructivity to produce a technological state of existence.

What Trump and the conservative fascists have been showing us is that rationality doesn't exist when persons in power don't want it to. The laws crumble into nonexistence under fascist conditions.

Corruption is always of that nature; but it doesn't shape the social results until corruption is socialized as fascism. Fascism shows that corruption is the absence of constructivity based on rationality—not an alternative method of doing something but the absence of a method of doing something.

It's the ultra-simplicity and absence of complexities that allow corrupters to take over social complexities with no capabilities while aggregating the power of numbers as conspiracy. It's the essence of demagoguery, which portrays the ultra-simplicity of reductionistic methods as being superior to the complexities of rational constructivity.

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