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Electrical Math Fraud


April 4, 2024

In adding up electrical math, the miss is a mile, so much so that only fraud gets that much wrong. Last year, the media stated that a 25% increase would be needed in electricity due to electric vehicles. Now it's a 40% increase. They're getting there; they just have 3,000% more to go.

There is six times as much energy being used as fossil fuels than electricity. To discontinue fossil fuels would require 600% as much electricity, not 40%. But electricity is vastly less efficient than fossil fuels, which increases the demand by about another factor of five, which means 3,000% more electricity.

Then there is the problem that the supposed renewable sources are far from consumers, where fossil fuels were moved to the edge of cities before generating electricity. So multiply the length of transmission lines by about a factor of 1,000. The lines can't be doubled at this time due to the extreme expense of the metals.

The claims by propagandists portray electricity as carbon free, cheap and ultra-efficient—all diabolically the opposite of the truth. Linearized electrons moving through metals are constantly producing heat as wasted energy. That's because the electrons bump into the metal atoms increasing the randomized motion of atoms, which is heat.

For that reason, 70-90% of the energy in electricity is lost to heat before it is used for a purpose; and another 60-75% is usually lost in being applied to a purpose.

Electric motors can never get more than 40% efficiency and usually average 25% efficiency, which includes electric autos. Yet the bureaucrats claim electric motors get 96% efficiency. In fact Congress apparently passed a law requiring electric motors to get 96% efficiency.

For that reason, bureaucrats claim electric vehicles get an equivalent of 150 miles per gallon efficiency. When adding up all of the factors, electric vehicles get about 5-10 miles per gallon equivalent.

Where the 96% efficiency for electric motors comes from is analysis of electrical resistance of the copper wires in electric motors. The heat produced due to the resistance, called resistive load, is about 4% for electric motors.

Being totally absence from the analysis is the transformation of electrical energy into kinetic energy, which is called the inductive load. That transformation can never be more than 40% efficient at usual temperatures. Engineers used to know that; but there has been a dumbing down across the social order including the engineering.

The reason why the transformation as inductive load can never be more than 40% efficient is because the inductive force must push the electrons against metal nuclei in a linear direction to get kinetic energy. While the electrons push against the nuclei, they don't always hit dead center and randomly push 60% of the nuclei in non-forward directions. That 60% randomizes the motion of the nuclei rather than linearizes it, while random motion of nuclei is heat.

That means there is not enough metal on planet Earth to even begin the task of eliminating fossil fuels by replacing them with electricity. That's not even mentioning the impossibility of putting most of that electricity along highways for charging stations, which must replace gas stations.

Why do you supposed there are no significant charging stations after twenty years of harping on the subject? The simple reason is because it is totally impossible to string that much electricity along highways.

Yet the frauds go on, year after year, destroying economies and industries to promote fraud. Why? To put incompetent power mongers in control of our lives with no concern for the destructivity of the process.

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