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Ethic 3a

February 15, 2021

There is a lot that rubs corrupters the wrong way. Anything rational or constructive rubs them the wrong way, which includes ethic 3a. The ethic takes a few words to describe, so it needs a number.

Corruption puts corrupters in conflict with all that is right. They end up with a "180 degree" view of everything, in their terminology.

One of the opposites is a relationship to objective reality. Any relationship to objective reality rubs corrupters the wrong way. A relationship to objective reality is inseparable from all elements of constructivity and rationality.

A different type of methodology is needed for everything to avoid rational and constructive methods of doing things. More than that, anyone who shows any relationship to objective reality, rationality or constructivity is a traitor to the cause. Corruption is the cause of all causes due to its conflict with the universe.

Ethic 3a is, never relate to objective reality or attempt to do anything constructive. Corrupters are identified as members of the cause by adhering to that ethic.

This is why street gangsters have to go through a ritual of committing some crime and then putting a notch on some weapon and acquiring a tattoo to show they are certified members of the cause.

Under some circumstances, corrupters will try to create an image of the opposite. The resulting imagery is always the opposite of what it is supposed to conceal.

The image of ruthlessness is used to solidify power, while an image of being holier than thou is used to rationalize when being held accountable.



Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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