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Extractive Procedures

November 29, 2020

How do corrupters gain from nonconstructivity? They extract. Something has to exist for them to extract. Where does it come from? From constructivity.

Corrupters don't know that they depend upon the constructivity of other persons for their gain. They assume they can destroy with no downside. It's as if nothing could be created or destroyed. As if there would always be the same amount of everything and the only question is who gains from it. So their gain is someone else's loss.

Corrupters assume that a law of existence is that one person's gain is another persons loss. So creating losers is more realistic than going through the demanding processes of constructivity. They "believe in" that mentality to a point of assuming it is a law of the universe. They assume constructive persons are ignorant fools who cannot be taught that you need to destroy for survival because one person's gain is another person's loss.

Any analysis should tell corrupters that everything has to come from somewhere. But corrupters don't do analysis. They only know what they bump into. What the bump into is their gain at someone else's loss.

Therefore, the existence of corrupters is a battle of us vs. them. They assume there is always going to be losers as enemies resulting from their gains. The only question to them is who is on which side. To be on their side is to be built up for power; to be on the wrong side is to be destroyed out of necessity including the need to extract from losers.

Corrupters cannot be sold a more constructive path, because they assume doing so would rob them of their ability to extract. So the persons who try to talk them out of their destructivity are enemies trying to make them losers.

What was "swamp" and "deep state" to the Trump administration? Anyone but the most incompetent corrupters were swamp or deep state, because they placed rationality over subservience to a totalitarian fascist.

Corrupters show their belief in the universal and inevitable nature of their corruption when they expect to impose it onto everyone. The Reagan administration supposedly created a turning point in social existence as indicated by them calling their standard "the new normal." Assuming it would be normal and accepted by everyone forever after shows the nature of their ignorant assumptions.

But what if it was spotless virtue rather than corruption that the Reaganites were instituting? Why would virtue be a new normal instead of the same old thing? They showed by example their corruptness in murdering rice farmers in Nicaragua and defying Congress when passing a law saying they were supposed to desist. In fact, Reagan broke every law in the book getting elected by talking the Iranians out of releasing hostages until after the election to inhibit Carter's chance of getting elected and promising weapons for hostages.

Character Corruption

What Is Belief?

Origins Of Totalitarianism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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