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Fact Checking Is Fraud

April 23, 2022

So-called fact checking has become a routine procedure for imposing official reality. The result is as apt to be propaganda as fact. The checking process is only needed for imposing reality, not correcting reality. Correcting is an explaining process; imposing is a railroading process. To check is to railroad in place of explaining.

Fact checking is primarily occurring in journalism, where explanations are supposed to be what journalism is all about. Resorting to fact-checking shows that propaganda is replacing information in journalism.

Authority over reality is more destructive than wars. Wars are limited to what can be destroyed. Authority over reality is not limited by time or space.

Anyone so stupid as to assume authority can determine facts is too stupid to determine what correct reality is. Correct reality is not determined by persons; it's determined by laws of the universe.

Truth can only evolve. To stop the evolution of truth is to impose fraud.

The worst of it is that persons who produce or demand fact checking are brainless to assume facts can be checked. So the result is brainless persons imposing their ignorance onto society.

The process of fact checking is a subversion of rationality by persons who are clueless on rationality, which means they are not capable of producing rationality. In other words, a sanctimonious subversion of rational existence is the result.

Rationality is making relationships between realities, the same thing as the reasoning process. Anyone who doesn't know why or how rationality is used is subverting ordered existence. The tragedy is that to get to that point indicates a degree of social deterioration that is not going to get corrected, because rational persons don't assume facts can be checked or imposed. Only corrupters promote such a stupid assumption.

The evolution of truth occurs when surrounding realities are explained and evaluated. Nothing else produces truth. Fact checking is the opposite. It puts a stop to the process of explaining and evaluating surrounding realities.

An underlying premise of fact checkers is that falsehoods would prevail without authority determining what facts are. That means such persons are in the habit of producing falsehoods, because they would never assume rationality is the problem unless they were promoting falsehoods.

Darkness does that. Nothing but corruption can come out of the dark, because openness and accountability are needed to produce rationality. In the dark, corrupters use force to overwhelm rational persons, because rationality is complex and difficult to produce, while force is simplistic and requires no competence to produce.

It's the conditions of darkness which are being created by fascists who have overwhelmed the social order that are resulting in more and more fact checking in the media. Corrupters get by with it due to the increasing fascism. The increasing fact checking shows the banality of fascism.

When rational persons see something wrong, they want corrections to be made and to be visible. Fact checking prevents that process from occurring. Some fraud in the dark replaces the process of correcting errors. Only frauds want fact checking to replace rationality as the method of correcting errors.

Drawing the Lines

There are always lines around everything, which require evaluation. The fact checking concept is being applied to expert opinions. Opinions need to be discussed, not suppressed.

Then there is what is called information. Information is not an expert opinion; it is the same for everyone. False information cannot be tolerated.

Then there is the more abstract concept of standards. At the extremes, standards are obvious. But standards are a concern everywhere, not just the extremes. So where do the lines exist for standards? Those lines will always be arbitrary; and unfortunately, standards are not addressed often enough or clearly enough.

Standards should be unacceptable when claims do not include enough explanation. But such standards are almost never addressed. Instead, unsubstantiated claims are usually argued rather than confronted as unacceptable methodology.

Standards can be addressed by demanding proper communication methods. Proper needs to be defined in terms of rationality. That means explanations which allow people to determine what the truth is.

The problem is, rationality is getting scarce in the increasing fascism; but that problem is a methodology question, not the opinion problem that is being improperly handled as fact checking.

What is visible in fact checking (and everywhere else) is superficiality. Superficiality is the equivalent of accepting prevailing reality rather than finding out how reliable it is. Authoritarianism is the primary motive for superficiality. Journalism promoting fake science and technology is the extreme example of such superficiality aligned upon corrupt authority.

The Official Reality Problem

There is a set of official realities that are adhered to by non-evaluative persons, which includes power mongering conspirators in addition to positivists who don't want to be bothered with the complexities of evaluation processes. The official realities tend to be stabilized by persons who look to accepted realities instead of evaluating.

There is a lot wrong with that process. What happens if the stabilized/official realities are wrong? No corrections are allowed. Such realities are always wrong, since total perfection of realities is never possible. Realities always need improving and refining, which is why science never ends.

On top of the problem of improving, it is always the power mongering conspirators who determine what the official realities are. That's because there are no official realities in producing rationality. All realities are defined by surrounding realities, not the subjective influence of humans.

So the adherence to stabilized/official realities blocks the process of producing rationality. With rationality out of the way, motives direct realities toward the dominating purposes of corrupters.

The most visible examples are greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving. Science and technology are being destroyed for power mongering purposes. Any disagreement is said to be anti-science. But the truth is the other way around. Imposing official reality creates a war against rationality including real science and technology.

Addendum April 25, 2022

Twitter is an example that contains many elements of the propaganda problem. From thousands of miles away, the first thing noticeable about Twitter is the persons who make the news on Twitter. They are a disgrace to human existence, such as Trump and Musk. (Musk is nothing resembling a successful business man. He attracted the attention of gamblers who plowed a trillion dollars into a gambling casino called the stock market, while his junk falls apart. He thought he was going to pour auto parts through a funnel and out would come automobiles. After having the hardware constructed, it couldn't be used, and traditional methods of assembly were needed.)

From five hundred miles away, there is the philosophical explanation of why Twitter promotes corruption. Nothing constructive in communication can be produced in short quips. It's the medium of frauds. Lies need to be short quips, because increased realities expose them for what they are.

Lies are irrelevant without a source of power to impose them. So the corruptions of realities always come from sources of power. Then a quip is a directed force, not a significant reality.

One of the strangest things about corruption is how important twisted reality is to corrupters. Since the power of truth is the only force that defeats corrupters, defying truth is extremely important to them. Twisting realty is how they defy the power of truth. Quips are needed for twisting reality without truth resulting from the process.

Peer Review Fraud

Scientific Ignorance

Rule By Know-Nothings

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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