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Force Over Reality

September 24, 2021

Force replacing reality is one of the characteristics of corruption. Corruption requires every element of rationality or constructivity to be reversed. The elements don't mix without complete reversals. The in-between persons are constantly trying to juggle contradictions between the two sides, because there is no in-between—there is only contradiction between the extremes.

So the extreme corrupters are constantly trying to push weak corrupters into being extreme corrupters, while, of course, trying to exterminate noncorrupters.

Very basic in that process is attempting to replace reality with force. Realities create truth; and truth defeats corrupters. The method of preventing that from happening is to overwhelm realities with force.

Force is not easy to define; but the result is clear. A large part of physics is that way due to the abstract complexities. So the concepts are defined in terms of the result rather than the cause. The result of force is to destroy realities. So a functional definition of forces is, that which destroys realities. Force is used for that purpose—to destroy realities.

It seems strange when conservatives promote the use of force to destroy realities. They get elected doing so. It is not quite what defines the purpose of conservatives; but it seems to be almost an essential element of their purpose. Often, it is their most recognizable purpose.

It shows up as defiance. Where their enemies try to describe, conservatives try to defy. Defiance doesn't require much explaining. The reason why is because defiance is part of a destruction process. Destroying is infinitely easier than constructing—the terrorists advantage. Reagan said, if you have to explain, you are already a loser, because anytime he tried to explain, he was a loser—like saying, the last thing anyone wants to hear is, I'm from the government and I'm here to help you. Infantiles could have done better than that. The closest example would be the Nazis going from door to door looking for the Jews; but they never said they were there to help anyone.

The primary manifestation of force is to harm someone. When corrupters see someone being harmed, they feel like winners.

This is why so much harm seems to be so needless. The more needless, the more effective.

There is a rule for intimidation that goes with the use of force. It says, to intimidate the guilty, harm the innocent. In other words, if someone goes after the guilty only, there is too much evasiveness; but going after the innocent leaves everyone vulnerable and submissive. This method is used in wars by putting bombs or something harmful in kid's toys.

To harm someone to be a winner says a lot about corrupters. It says they are cold-blooded. It says being a winner is everything to them, which implicitly means they have given up on being constructive or rational.

And yet we are supposed to turn our lives over to them, because they claim they love the kids and pets more than anyone else. Lying being a method of winning goes with the use of force as a method of winning. Lies are a type of force.

This is why lies are promoted even when known to be lies. It's because the purpose of lies is not to be credible but to create a force that destroys realities.

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