The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  155

First Impression As Last


February 4, 2024

Corrupters have a slogan which says their first impression is their last. It's not how rationality works; but it's how corruption works. It explains fake technology to a T. "On par with coal" is the first impression which never gets any farther.

Technology is highly complex, which means it needs to go far beyond the first impressions. To assume so-called renewable energy is renewable is missing 99% of the subject. The sources are so dilute that concentrating the energy requires extremely expensive technology. Even the expense is ignored in promoting the result as carbon free and unlimited. Every dollar spent puts carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Corrupters believe in their corruptions, because their first impressions are their last. Their first impressions align upon motives in a stimulus-response manner. That means they have prior assumptions which determine how newly-acquired realities enter their minds. Then newly acquired realities build upon previous errors.

Of course, that method of handling realities is a result of not acquiring knowledge. Without knowledge, there is nothing to align newly-acquired realities upon other than previous assumptions.

There are methods for corrupters determining whether alignment of realities is suitable for purposes. The alignment of realities for corrupters is consensus. Corrupters constantly search the horizon like a beacon to determine how new realities are being promoted by like-minded persons. Whatever passes the test of expanding through like-minded consensus is what corrupters align upon.

Why then don't such obvious corruptions as fake science and technology evolve toward improvement instead of constantly worsening absurdities? Because there is a motive for worsening instead of improving. The motive is that rationality exposes corrupters for what they are. So the trends move toward less rationality instead of more.

As corrupters believe in their corruptions, they acquire the notion that rationality is for fools, as indicated by Reagan saying, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed the purpose in life is to be a winner and rationality is for fools. Rationality requires explanation of claims.

The net result is that corrupters are reconstructing human existence as an imaginary la la land where the demands of constructivity are replaced with simplistic substitutes. It's not a self-sustaining direction.

As corrupters create more and more problems for themselves, they convince themselves that enemies must be the problem. The obvious enemies are the vulnerable persons at the bottom of society who have problems that need to be solved and demand solutions. Solutions require contact with reality and everything corrupters are opposed to.

So corruption results in a war against the lower classes. And since corrupters assume they are superior persons, their enemies must be misfits. Then the end result is the "final solution" of getting rid of the worthless eaters, which becomes visible Nazism.

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