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Why Do We Hate Trump?

December 8, 2020

Conservatives say they can't understand why we hate Trump, even after the reasons have been spelled out in clear letters for five years. So here's another attempt at spelling it out:

Trump is on a mission to contradict everything Christianity teaches. Christ said not to extract an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. Trump adamantly demands the extraction of an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. Christ said to be tolerant; Trump tolerates nothing. He demands domination, which is the basis of all sin.

Trump promotes lying as a mode of operation. Lying is a corruption by everyone's standard but Trump and his followers. The lying which has no identifiable reason is an attempt to break down standards of rationality which get in the way of Trump's criminality.

Trump is cold blooded. What could be worse character than cold bloodedness—ripping babies from their mother's arms at the border, separating children from families at the border in defiance of the courts and locking them into death chambers for molestation and disease, sending vulnerable persons to countries which they know nothing about or face murder from criminals, ridiculing torture victims as losers and promoting torture of innocent persons, locking citizens out of the country while playing self-aggrandizement political games, forcing immigrants to work in meat packing factories without protective equipment, while their communities are ravaged by the virus, gassing and beating demonstrators on the streets for political showmanship, burning trillions of tax dollars on stock buy-backs to keep the money away from the lower classes while using the Wall Street gambling casino to measure his godliness, and then try to buy his votes by telling the lower classes, elderly and blacks how much money he is going to give them if they elect him again.

Liberals expect government officials and presidents to be competent. Trump has never done anything or said anything that shows enough competence to clean a dog house. His own businesses have never been anything but bankrupt frauds.

Golf courses don't have the purpose of making money; they are huge expenses with no significant income used for entertainment by the wealthy. Everyone makes money at gambling but Trump. Banks loan him the money, because they make more money on bankrupt businesses than on successful businesses.

More directly, presidents are supposed to do what presidents do. Trump doesn't. They are supposed to manage the federal government. Manage means making the government more functional, not less. Trump does nothing but dismantle the government, because conservatives don't like government laws and procedures disrupting their criminal schemes.

Communication is extremely important; but trump doesn't communicate. He just attacks with mindless name calling and three word slogans. If he can't explain a subject better than that, he can't run a government.

Trump will not allow competent persons to explain a subject, because he doesn't understand complexities and does not want to align upon open and accountable realities. So he seeks out the most incompetent losers he can find to surround himself with.

All global economies are interacting now days. Trying to prevent it from happening is to destroy an economy. Trump's ignorance on the economy is at the animal level. He expected tariffs to improve the U.S. economy. Everyone with half a brain said tariffs would ruin the economy. Tariffs ruined the economy. They made manufacturing in the U.S. noncompetitive by forcing the companies to pay more for materials and components. Hundreds of lawsuits are being filed by U.S. corporations against the Trump administration for damaging their economies through illegal tariffs.

Trump created illegal tariffs by usurping the powers of Congress. He pretended that national security allowed him to defy laws. There was no national security being promoted by taking businesses out of the economy. Trump's dishonesty is visible in using national security as a pretext for breaking laws where there are no national security issues.

Trump uses the government to enhance his power and get elected in contempt for laws against such purposes. Included is Trump's spoils system of using the government for his sycophants and not his enemies. Trump uses government for rewarding insiders and shoving out opponents.

Trump's followers find nothing wrong with Trump doing those things. They want a totalitarian state, where an incompetent corrupter strips laws and rationality from government to destroy opponents as a method of sustaining power. It's not a stable state of existence. No country survives totalitarianism on a long term basis. It's a contempt for constitutional democracy based on laws.

Trump's followers see no other purpose in government than destroying liberals. They don't assume they get enough out of life and extracting at other persons' expense is the answer. Liberals say they can't; so they hate liberals. Corrupters expect Trump to use the government for that purpose; and they are so ignorant that they don't know what else government is for. They assume pollution will destroy their enemies and not themselves, that diseases get rid of the misfits and not themselves, that destroying economies for others will improve the economy for themselves. They exist for themselves only at everyone else's expense.


The March To Fascism

Origins Of Totalitarianism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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