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Lack Of Realism

January 21, 2024

Lack of realism is getting absurd in overwhelming society. It shows up as expectations which are not credible. It's the opposite of being "down to Earth."

In part, the lack of realism is dependent upon a disconnect from the science and engineering that has been shaping the recent, complex society. Not knowing the demands and limits of technology is an element of the lack of realism.

But the effect is more than that. It's part of the unhinged attitude that goes with the increasing fascism. There is power in being wrong. Demagoguery shows how it works. Corruption is attractive to corrupters due to the simplicity in disconnecting from objective reality. And fakery is a tool for combatting opponents.

Realities are trivial to corrupters, because corrupters are aligned upon motives, not realities. Corrupters are primarily trying to defeat a group of enemies. They need to dominate to prevail, while they never succeed in defeating enemies.

Corrupters are overwhelmed by a group of persons; and they aren't going to take it anymore. Defeating enemies is their preoccupation. They shape their realities around that purpose by rationalizing, which means lying to themselves.

The reason why corrupters can never succeed is because they are fighting against the universe and don't know it. A constructive relationship to the universe requires rationality aligned upon the objective realities of the universe which define life and solutions to problems. But corrupters are losers where rationality prevails.

Therefore, what corrupters are really trying to do, and don't know it, is to defeat rationality by dominating and prevailing against persons who rely upon rationality. The more corrupters succeed, the more they destroy themselves by defying the universe.

Defying the universe to defeat rational persons means synthesizing garbage reality. No evaluation is required for the process. Instead, counter-intention directs the process. Whatever opponents don't want is what is needed to defeat them. That includes making a mockery of the objective realities required to make a complex world work.

In using counter-intention as a tool, corrupters become habitual mockers of objective reality. Over time, they believe in their corruption including the lies. Since the lies are required for a purpose, the lies must be the answer to everything. So corrupters learn to depend upon lies as if they were objective realities.

One of the results is fake science and technology. The utility of lies for defying opponents slides imperceptibly into an assumption of false functionality for the lies in solving problems.

Fake energy and transportation systems do wonders in defeating enemies, so the assumption of corrupters is that the junk must be useful in solving social problems. The use of fake realities for defeating enemies cannot be distinguished by corrupters from the utility of the fakery for social purposes.

A secondary effect is that corrupters acquire a false sense of their worth in their dependence upon fraud for defeating enemies. They get a three-second high in being winners through domination with no concept of the larger consequences in destroying themselves doing so. They get arrogant in imposing stupidity upon society, as if anything that flows out of them is a superior state of existence.

That effect is highly visible in the claims of corrupters in "bringing the manufacturing back." It takes extreme stupidity to assume that anything about the subject is arbitrary. Globalization cannot be reversed any more than the evolution of trees can be reversed. The manufacturers didn't leave for arbitrary reasons; so they can't be brought back for arbitrary reasons. Globalization locks relationships in place which corrupters know nothing about. That means the frivolousness by which know-nothings talk about bringing the manufacturing back shows the arrogance of their stupidity.

The degree of unrealism by corrupters shows up in their fantasizing futuristic solutions. Going to Mars is beyond crazy. There would be no reason for humans to go to Mars, if it were possible. But corrupters want to show their godliness in such fantasies. Not knowing how absurd the process is in terms of science and engineering shows their disconnect from reality and methods of evaluating realities.

The use of fraud by corrupters to glamorize their wizardry shows their disconnect from reality. In science, gravity wave measurements are beyond absurd in claiming to measure motion at 100 million times smaller than the vibration of atoms. That's like measuring one inch with a ruler that vibrates between Chicago and Los Angeles. Defying real scientists with such absurdities shows the arrogance of social control by getting rid of opposition. Real scientist are silenced or shoved out of science, which is part of the purpose as a method of getting rid of opponents.

Claiming to put a helicopter on Mars should be an obvious fraud to any eighth grader who studied general science. Mars has no significant atmosphere, which prevents a helicopter from functioning on Mars.

The technology does not exist to put a spacecraft anywhere near another planet. That means there has been decades of extreme and expensive fraud in space fakery, which is why corrupters assumed they could get by with such an obvious fraud as a helicopter on Mars.

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