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Misaligned Reality

January 9, 2021

Ignorance is missing reality. It's totally normal and relative. No one can have complete reality. But misaligned reality is different. It's not normal; it's corruption.

It takes moral standards to align reality properly, because misaligned reality cannot be used constructively.

Why then does reality get misaligned? Motives. Reality aligned upon motives will always be misaligned, because the universe aligns reality upon all universal realities, not someone's motives.

In other words, motives must be prevented from influencing realities to get constructive results. Allowing motives to align realities guarantees corruption.

It happens because corrupters do not acquire enough correct (universal) reality to know what proper alignment of realities should be. It's the missing reality that allows realities to be misaligned.

Properly derived realities are preventative. They show the contradictions that misaligned reality creates.

Therefore, the starting point of misaligned realities is only possible in failing to acquire sufficient reality which is properly aligned upon universal realities. Without that protective starting point, motives can take over the process and redirect realities in an improper manner.

Without the protectiveness of properly developed realities, corrupters are dead certain that they must be the promoters of correct reality. Correct to them means aligned upon motives, not aligned upon universal realities. They can't understand why everyone would not align their realities upon motives.

To not align realities upon motives must certainly be a corruption, in the view of corrupters—something that must be exterminated and replaced by realities aligned upon motives. A lot of determination goes into making that supposed correction.


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