The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  125

Imposed Consensus


August 26, 2023

Consensus is not similarity of assumptions, which means it is not accidental or coincidental. It's a generated and imposed force. Forces replacing realities are a corruption of the social order.

But consensus seems so trivial and infallible. That's because the power of numbers gives incompetents a feeling of security; but when incompetents are secure, corruption prevails.

Consensus is generated by incompetent power mongers conspiring to take over the social structures. Physicists do that, because nothing but errors have been produced in physics since Joule's fraudulent experiment of 1845.

It took several decades for frauds in physics to generate an unquestionable consensus that one molecule in 2,500 in the atmosphere could destroy mankind. Real scientists who tried to correct the errors got silenced or shoved out of science, while know-nothings in journalism and organizations imposed the fraud onto the public and allowed no criticism.

Why should unqualified persons impose consensus onto everyone else? Imposing consensus is a form of social control. Social control is the path to Nazism.

It shows how Nazism is subconsciously produced by incompetents who assume they need to control other persons to get someplace. When they succeed in eliminating all opposition, the extreme sociology is Nazism. Nazism is the most extreme form of socialized corruption that humans can produce in a complex society.

Why then does imposed consensus do all of that? First and foremost because impositions are always destructive. If consensus can be brushed aside for the garbage that it is, then no problem. But that isn't how incompetent corrupters do things. If they are not imposing something, they are losers. They are driven to be winners.

In fact, the difference between incompetent corrupters and persons who have normal human limitations is the drive to be a winner. There is no way to be a winner in a manner that isn't nonconstructive, because the concept of winning means prevailing over other persons by dominating. Trump says "you need to dominate"; and he is the expert on how to promote corruption.

The reason why promoted consensus overtakes a society to a point of producing Nazism is because consensus is supposedly how truth is produced. "Fact checking" means imposing consensus. Consensus is the only concept of truth that incompetent corrupters know of. The communicated representation of unified reality is nothing but liberal, elitist garbage to incompetent corrupters.

Incompetent corrupters don't have a clue what a communicated representation would be or what unified reality is. So anyone who produces such a concept must be a corrupter. And since there is abstract complexity to the definition of truth, it has to be liberalism attempting to impose unjust elitism onto everyone.

Getting more specific, Why does the consensus that greenhouse gases are destroying the planet need to be imposed? Because consensus is supposed to be unquestionable truth and it needs to be imposed to prevent opponents from creating obstacles to saving mankind. Truth must be imposed in the view of incompetent corrupters.

Of course, incompetent corrupters don't have a clue what truth is. If it is imposed, it is not truth. That's because a communicated representation cannot be imposed and still be a communicated representation. Representing is not imposing. Not the least reason being that imposition is a force, not a reality. Realities are reduced to nonexistent meaning in the medium of forces.

Truth, of course, overwhelms corrupters, not because elitist liberals are that successful but because the unified reality being represented by truth has the universe behind it. There is no unified reality comparable to the objective realities related to the laws of the universe which define life and solutions to problems.

Incompetent corrupters are not qualified to represent complex realities such as science. They don't know that. They assume they have scientists on their side; so anything they say related to science has to be truth and consensus is the proof.

Using consensus as the representation of truth make consensus the ticket to success for conspirators who monger power by taking over the social structures and converting them into power structures for their personal gain at everyone else's expense.

So the conspirators generate consensus by eliminating criticism of their frauds and destroying anyone who doesn't like it. Relativity serves that purpose in physics. Relativity is a mockery of physics and laws of the universe used to test and impose allegiance to corruption by physicists.

Anyone with half a brain could look at the science of relativity and say it is a fraud. No one in science is allowed to. Only retired physicists criticize the subject; and they get nowhere, because consensus is supposedly truth and only consensus is allowed on the subject.

Consensus replaces rationality including science. No evaluation is allowed where consensus is imposed. That means consensus is the anti-rationality method of railroading the social order. Incompetents mongering power need to replace rationality with anything, because rationality exposes them as the incompetent frauds that they are; and imposed consensus fixes that problem for incompetent frauds mongering power.

Relativity Fraud

Greenhouse Effect Fraud

The March To Fascism

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Draining The Economy Dry
Consensus As Rightness
Why Nazism
Radiative Transfer Equations
Greenhouse Gas Fraud
Other Factors
Firing Scientists
Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
Gravity Waves
Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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