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Motives Vs. Capabilities

November 1, 2020

Trump frames every issue in terms of motives, as if his motives were superior and the motives of opponents or democrats were corrupt or nonexistent. He mainly assumes no one ever thought of doing something right but him.

Nowhere in Trump's promotion of motives is there a concept of capabilities. There is no plan or procedure for carrying out the motives. A motive is just something corrupters promote; it's not something they do.

It's true that Trump's motives are different than usual in government; they are more corrupt, such as his insistence on domination. Yet Trump assumes his motives are superior.

The difference is largely cold-bloodedness. Corrupters assume other persons are too timid to get things done. Too timid means not cold-blooded enough. Corrupters assume it takes more force and violence, destructivity, intimidation and brutality to produce results.

Beating someone up is supposedly superior to being reasonable. In beating everyone up, counter-reactions develop. The U.S. economy is crumbling under the consequence of the threat Trump creates by trying to beat up the world. Foreigners are putting together the means of dumping the U.S. economy down the drain and finding other ways of doing things, because there is no way of putting up with Trump's destructive standards in foreign relations.

Trump assumes he can defy everyone else, because the U.S. is the only super power. The U.S. is only a super power with its military force, not its economy. Trump doesn't know the difference.

The focus on motives only, with no means of doing anything constructive, is a consequence of the incompetence of corrupters and the resulting strife for power as a substitute for constructivity. There is no plan or procedure in power mongering. It's an extraction process. Someone else has to make things work.

It's because corrupters have no ability to function constructively that they strive for power as the method of getting more out of life than their incompetence produces. They then pretend that all results flow from their worthlessness by claiming to have better motives than anyone else. Supposedly, results flow out of motives; but they don't. Someone has to make things work, which requires a lot of competence and constructivity which corrupters don't produce.

For fake results, Trump and sycophants scavenge up everyday activities and claim that no one has ever produced such wondrous results. The stock market going up is used as the measure of Trump's wonderful economy. The stock market has never done anything but go up on average; and now that it is nothing but a gambling casino, it goes up more irrationally than ever. So Trump and sycophants use it as a measure of their success, while they haven't the slightest ability to influence what it does.

Trump and worshippers claim to have done wonders for the pandemic, while they claim the disease is dying down and nothing needs to be done about it. Isn't there too obvious of a contradiction in claiming nothing should be done besides opening up the businesses and claiming to do wonders in stopping the disease? There is no such thing as a contradicting to frauds, because they are incapable of relating one thing to another.

Corrupters are so obsessed with their problem that everything they do is a measurement of themselves relative to others. Since they are worthless destroyers, they can only win at the process by degrading others. Their only methodology is to degrade opponents.

What does degradation of other persons have to do with running a government or accomplishing anything? Nothing. But it is the only thing corrupters do.

Trump keeps telling us about his results with never an indication of how he produced them. Methods of constructivity are not invisible. Solving problems takes a lot of persons interacting in complex ways. Results don't come out of nowhere. Trump assumes that the right motives causes results to come out of nowhere.

It appears that one of Trump's main themes and results is to convince gullible persons that getting rid of the complexities of constructive process and the persons who apply them is a superior way of doing things and the answer to everything.


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