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Nonfunctional Mental Activity

January 5, 2021

Demagogues make wild claims with no relationship to reality. It takes malfunctioning minds to do that.

With nonfunctional mental activity, results do not match purposes. Purposes are always assumed to be noble in solving some problem.

The noble purpose is supposedly the justification for all corruption. Corrupters supposedly love the kids and pets more than anyone else, which is why they must destroy everything in front of them.

When the result is decimation of everything involved, the noble purpose is supposed to justify it. In fact, it is almost impossible to say persons with power commit crimes, because they supposedly had noble purposes. The intent has to be wrong before the crime occurs. Only persons who have been separated out from power can be accused of not having noble purposes.

The never-ending example is conservatives claiming corporations burning tax dollars will improve the economy. The result is never an improved economy. But the noble purpose keeps the fraud going.

The whole reason why science and engineering exist is to get results to align upon purposes. Disconnecting from that process is doomed to failure, which is an element of nonfunctional mental activity—a lack of concept of why science and engineering exist.

Of course there are whole swaths of activities beyond science and engineering which pose similar challenges including economics, sociology, government, etc. Making claims without results in those areas results from nonfunctional mental activity. Otherwise, a sense of responsibility would show the limitations and reduce claims to achievable results.

Trump provides a more obnoxious example than usual of the consequences of nonfunctional mental activity. Claiming he is going to bring manufacturing back is a disconnect from endless amounts of reality. As hard as his sycophants tried to please him, they couldn't bring the factories back. When Ford discontinued a project in Mexico to please Trump, they had to discontinue small vehicle production to make ends meet, because trying to please an ignorant jackass doesn't meet the demands for functionality in industry.

Trump tried to redesign the postal system to get higher prices on package deliveries using Amazon as a primary target. Trump doesn't know that business can't set their price arbitrarily without competitors taking them out of business. He doesn't know that the Post Office functions by law as a social service which places demands upon it that other businesses don't have. Normal minds don't miss that much.

All corruption is based on nonfunctional mental processes. Corruption is an attempt to disconnect from the universe and achieve purposes in conflict with the universe. Not knowing the stupidity of the attempt requires highly nonfunctional mental processes.

The reason why it needs to be said is because corruption is rationalized and justified as a superior way of doing things. How could nonfunctional mental processes create superior results? The pretense is that corrupters have a hidden source of wisdom which others are not aware of. It's sort of like gnosticism—secret knowledge.

If their minds don't work right in evaluating highly visible subjects, why would they be superior in concealed areas? The evaluation process is required for producing functional results. When it doesn't work, what produces the superior knowledge that corrupters claim to have? They have nothing but fraud in making claims.

How It Works

When there isn't enough reality to align upon, misalignment occurs. Yet corrupters are so driven that they create major forces without realities to align upon.

Obviously, the first problem is absence of sufficient knowledge for the purpose. It becomes corruption when standards don't exist for making sure realities are correct. Standards determine whether the results are constructive or destructive.

The persistence of the problem occurs because corrupters can't be told. It's impossible to put reality into someone's head. Communication can only contact what already exists. To increase reality requires a person's own determination. People can only educate themselves, while the education system can only provide the opportunities.

When forces exist in the absence of realities, corrupters (who haven't acquired sufficient standards for the purpose) pick realities which promote their purpose. The conflict with objective reality can be stark. Corrections don't occur, because acquiring necessary reality is a slow process which must occur in the absence of forces which bias the process.

What corrupters do flows out from their motives with tacked on realities. The tacked on realities have no relationship to objective reality; they only rationalize the motives. Sometimes doing that gets extreme.

Forces which are created in the absence of realities create problems. Trump shows how that works. He promotes a bunch of forces claiming domination is the answer to everything, while there are no realities with the claims. He generates forces assuming that causes need to be developed. With no reality on the subjects, the result is totally unhinged.

Proper means developing realities so forces don't become destructive. That must include a lot of criticism. But there is no sin but the truth about sin to corrupters. So corrupters don't tolerate criticism; and they don't spend a significant amount of time increasing their knowledge for something to do.


Opposition To Socialism

The Alternative To Rationality

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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