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Replacing Ordered Existence


April 14, 2021

One of the most visible characteristics of Trump and followers is contempt for ordered existence including government laws and procedures. There wasn't an identifiable result for the Capital take-over of January 6th. It's purpose was to create a force rather than realities.

That's because the whole reality medium defeats the motives of corrupters. They live in a force medium which is in conflict with the reality medium. Force is only definable as a conflict with realities.

Realities create complexities which corrupters cannot handle. Their inability to handle realities exposes their fakery in pretending to be superior persons.

Forces create empty lives. The lives of corrupters consist of objects in motion. Corrupters are only aware of what they bump into.

Yet corrupters expect to solve their problems through magical solutions, as if magic were the alternative to realities being controlled. Expecting to go to Mars and beyond is an unlimited process without realities getting in the way. Expecting fake technology to produce carbon free energy is just as ridiculous.

Just as absence of realities open unlimited and magical possibilities for technology, the same is true for the social order including government. An absence of laws and procedures creates unlimited imagination for solutions to social problems.

When the magic of incompetence fails to solve problems, corrupters blame opponents for not supporting the attempts. Supposedly, lead could be turned into gold if everyone would support the idea.

That's what totalitarianism is. It's expecting motives devoid of realities to be superior to government based on laws. Supposedly, the answers to everything will flow out of the whims of dictators when no realities are in the way to disrupt the process.

Conservatives say laws force them to fight their war with one hand tied behind their back. They don't want restrictions on what they do, as if unlimited incompetence would solve all problems.

Contradictions are nothing to corrupters. They change their story endlessly without a concern. That's because contradictions are defined by realities. In the absence of realities, there are no contradictions. Realities changing with motives are no problem to corrupters, when realities are irrelevancies that get in the way of their solving problems through incompetence in place of ordered existence.

Science and engineering have the purpose of creating ordered existence. If the science and engineering are not exactly right, no technology can be produced. Yet corrupters expect technology to come out of nowhere, while they screw everything up.

When conservatives oppose global warming caused by humans, they don't have explanations. They simply say it isn't occurring, because liberals say it is and they want to be on the side of the oil companies. Conservative scientists say the physics is spotless perfection but carbon dioxide is not causing global warming because of the effect of clouds. They don't want anyone to assume there could be corruption in power structures such as science, while they oppose liberals on global warming.

In other words, the realities of the subject are nothing to conservatives. They align upon motives with no regard for realities. Existence is supposed to flow out from their motives which are expressed on whim.

Corrupters assume their motives are the answer to everything and all opposition must be eliminated. So their whole existence is aligned upon defeating enemies. Enemies are persons who have different motives.

Chaos and conflict are what corrupters replace ordered existence with.

Absolutizing is stripping realities from a subject and leaving forces only. It's how corrupters handle subjects. With realities stripped away, there is no truth to get in their way.

It's how the pandemic is dealt with by conservatives. By pretending that the Corona virus is just like the flu, there isn't supposed to be a response. Everything is supposed to take care of itself.

By pretending that stripping taxation from corporations improves the economy, no social programs are needed. The lower classes supposedly get their problems solved from trickle-down produced by increasing the power of corporations.

Greens reduce solutions to sloganeering such as renewable energy being on par with coal and electric vehicles being carbon free. Claiming the science is settled and criticism is promoting corruption is removing realities from the subject.

What is left after realities are stripped form a subject? The impositions of corrupters become invincible without realities to prove them wrong.

There is no sin but the truth about sin, when absolutizing strips realities from a subject. Truth is the only obstacle corrupters cannot defeat.

The reason why corrupters assume corruption solves their problems is because their purpose is to get everyone else below their feet. It takes a lot of destructivity to do that.

Domination is the starting point of corruption, which means getting others below their feet so they can arbitrate existence. The only thing corrupters cannot arbitrate is the power of truth.



The March To Fascism

Origins Of Totalitarianism

Corruption Is An Ethic

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