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The Origins Of White Supremacy

August 21, 2021

White supremacy is a shape-shifting force which relies upon a wide variety of stories. That means there is an underlying force that white supremacists are responding to.

That force and those reactions are a manifestation of a very basic and common problem that low-level corrupters have. Their starting position is that they have relied heavily upon structured power as the solution to their incompetence and corruptness. But corruption is extremely vulnerable to the power of truth. Truth is the only force corrupters cannot subdue.

But the concepts of power and truth are way to abstract for extreme corrupters to understand. When they get defeated by the power of truth, they only see someone opposing them.

That mechanism is translated into the protectors of a citadel being invaded by foreigners in the minds of persons who have no ability to understand abstract realities such as power and truth. Power is the citadel to be protected. Truth is the foreign invader.

Those abstract concepts must be interpreted in molecular terms, because extreme corrupters are only aware of what they bump into. They bump into molecules, not abstract realities.

The molecular interpretation of power is a prevailing society of white persons who are superior to everyone else. And the molecular interpretation of truth is foreign invaders attacking and shoving out the protectors of the superior group. Truth is constantly doing that to low level corrupters.

Any variety of words can be and have been used to represent that simple mechanism. There is always the concept of the protectors of the superior group and the external invaders as the mechanism.

There has to be an underlying reason for assuming such a bunch of dregs represent a superior group. Power does that, and it is the only thing that does that on a major scale. And there has to be an underlying reason for assuming invaders are everywhere shoving out the superior persons. Only truth is that pervasive in shoving out corruption in all its forms.

Power personified is the superior race of persons. Truth personified is the foreign invaders.

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