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Outflow As The Reference

December 16, 2020

The failure of incompetent corrupters to meet the demands placed upon them causes them to oppose those demands. It's the objective universe that creates demands upon humans. So the objective universe is opposed by corrupters. Without the objective universe being relevant, what is?

Self is what replaces the objective universe for incompetent corrupters. What else is there besides self when the objective universe is rejected? Replacing the universe with self moves the reference for existence out of the universe and into self.

Taking that position is a relied upon method of coping with incompetence by corrupters. Since it works for them, in their mindless view, it must be a superior standard in the view of corrupters, which causes them to oppose normal persons as being corrupters.

It is unfathomable to rational persons why some persons are so determined to prevail at promoting corruption by tearing down ordered existence including laws and government. Such persons have been quite visible as troublemakers to the lower classes but out of view of well-off persons at the top of society.

Those types of persons became much more visible, as Trump created an outlet of expression for them and a degree of success and expectation of succeeding in promoting their motives.

Corruption creates a conflict with order in society by moving the reference for existence out of the objective universe and into the subjectivity, motives and values of self-centered persons. What flows out of them becomes the reference for existence.

Just as the objective universe is the reference for determining right-from-wrong including truth and reason for rational persons, outflow is the reference for determining right-from-wrong for corrupt persons.

The state that corrupters are in is that they are overwhelmed by unmeetable demands coming at them. They see opponents behind those demands. Everyone who demands truth, knowledge and rationality is placing unmeetable demands upon them.

The answer in the assumptions of corrupters is to ignore all of the requirements and attempt to get a direct result that is favorable to their concerns. A direct, favorable result means ignoring all of the demands and complexities being imposed upon them and extracting what they want out of life in defiance of what anyone else thinks about it. In other words, making sin pay.

Shortcut methods in defiance of other persons' concerns is the outward expression of corruption. It is defiance of rules, requirements and responsibilities.

The unexpected part is not that there are corrupters but that such persons assume their corruptness is the only tolerable standard in existence. With that assumption, a lot of self-righteous determination is involved.

Why are normal persons doing simple, constructive things, just as everyone is suppose to do, so hated for it by corrupters? What are rational and constructive persons doing wrong? Being rational and constructive is what they are doing wrong in the assumptions of corrupters.

That oddity is a result of shifting the reference for standards from objective reality to outflow. Whatever flows out of a corrupter is what is supposed to exist, because there are no other options to corrupters. Since there are no other options, those persons who demand a different standard (aligned upon objective reality) must be destroyers who must cease and desist.

For that reason a war is fought by corrupters to put an end to constructivity based upon objective reality and defy and defeat the persons who insist on that standard.

Even more odd is that corrupters do not want to see the results of constructivity. The results place demands upon corrupters and tell them their enemies are prevailing.



The Normalcy Of Corruption

Opposition To Socialism

The Alternative To Rationality

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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