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Promoting A Cause

August 26, 2021

Corrupters are promoting a cause. Their conflict with existence drives them to oppose existence, which is promotion of a cause.

Nothing that corrupters do is aligned properly, because everything they do must be oriented for promoting their cause. No real or constructive result can be produced while promoting their cause, because their cause is aligned upon their opposition to existence.

Corrupters believe in their cause. They assume there is no other justifiable purpose for humans than promoting their cause, because they have no awareness of noncorrupt existence. It's what conservatives meant by "the new normal" and "morning in America," when they took over the world in 1981. They assumed they could gain the upper hand in promoting their cause.

They don't understand that defying existence is like turning lead into gold. It's impossible to exist and defy existence. Corrupters don't know that, because they don't know anything. They don't operate on a basis of knowledge; they lash out at the forces working against them.

Corrupters assume that the only reason they can't defy existence is because of enemies opposing them. Truth is the only force they cannot defeat; so rational persons producing truth must be the cause of their problems. They try to defeat truth and the rationality that produces truth by defeating the enemies who produce truth through rationality.

Corrupters got that way not by evaluating and picking alternatives. They got that way by defying objective reality and opposing the resulting forces. Assuming they can defeat the opposing force is assuming they can defy the universe. They intend to be disconnected from the universe, so they see no reason why they can't defy the universe. They view the universe of objective realities as irrelevant.

If the universe is irrelevant to corrupters, they should be able to defy it. What they don't realize is that all of their rationalizing is based upon the universe being relevant. They don't see the contradictions, because there is no such thing as a contradiction in their minds. A contradiction only exists when two things are compared. Corrupters compare nothing. They don't make relationships between realities which are needed for making comparisons.

What A Cause Is

Removing carbon dioxide from the air is a cause. Being in our face constantly, it shows what the characteristics of a cause are.

The most noticeable characteristic of the carbon dioxide cause is a disconnect from reality. The promoters of the cause don't bother with explanations. They just proclaim. They don't proclaim about the cause; they proclaim about anything because of the cause.

The cause is the license—the license for any tangential purpose which could not possibly have anything to do with the cause. That means any social event can be attributed to carbon dioxide with no explanation.

The technology for removing carbon dioxide from the air doesn't work and doesn't have to work, because the noble cause is beyond being questioned. To question the technology would be to question the cause.

When the cause is beyond any relationship to reality, it shows what is inside corrupters. It gives them the opportunity to defy. Defying is a one of their most basic driving force.

What corrupters are trying to defy is the universe. It comes at them from all directions and overwhelms them. So they draw the conclusion that they cannot function without defying the force that the universe produces.

The force that the universe produces is unified reality. It's the size of the universe. It includes all life. No one can defy it. Yet corrupters assume they must defy it. They have nothing but their incompetence and corruptness if they don't.

A cause does that by gaining acceptance from a large part of society. Causes must be noble to gain wide-spread acceptance. Saving mankind from carbon dioxide took a lot of convincing. It looked like a dead cause when emails were leaked in 2009 exposing the scheming by incompetents in science. But the technicalities were miniscule compared to the cause; so they were forgotten, while the cause expanded. Over time, the persons farthest removed from the realities—the youngsters and nonscientists—lost any concept of there being any alternative to the cause. The cause was the equivalent of a discovered law of the universe to them.

There isn't enough metal on planet Earth to electrify the transportation system; but no one cares, because the cause was disconnected from reality a long ways back. That means the cause acquired secondary purposes—like creating high-paying jobs producing free energy without carbon dioxide.

Whether the technology does any of that is irrelevant, because the cause creates secondary and tertiary purposes which can't be sacrificed to objective realities. Most basically, the result is mongered power which is channeled through fake realities related to saving mankind through fake technology.

An example is the opposition to Biden's tax upon corporations. The stated reason is that corporations wouldn't have as much money to invest in renewable energy if they were taxed. The opposition to corporations paying taxes never changes, but the cause creates a new excuse.

In other words a cause frees corrupters from the constraints of reality. It gives them the power to defy. The ability to defy the universe is the quest of conservatives which they promote as freedom.

What Disconnect Means

Counter-Intention Explains Absurdities


Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP     



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