The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  148

The Purpose Of The Conspirators


December 27, 2023

Corrupters are fighting a war against the rationality that exposes them as the corrupters that they are and generates the truth which they cannot defeat.

Corruption is that which destroys life, which is the same thing as a conflict with the objective realities of the universe which define life and solutions to problems. Being in conflict with the universe corruption can only be promoted by generating the power of numbers through conspiracy and using that power to overwhelm objective realities.

Rationality is not only nonsense to corrupters, it is a threat that needs to be eliminated, because rationality produces truth and truth defeats corrupters. The attempts by corrupters to eradicate rationality are absurd and require methodologies which are not valid.

When incompetent power mongers take over the social structures and convert them into power structures, their purpose is to dominate by prevailing against rational persons. They identify their enemies in terms of rationality. Of course they have no concepts of such abstract states as rationality. It's the results of rationality that they cannot tolerate. Corrupters are reactive, not evaluative.

Rationality is reason applied broadly to all elements of life. Making relationships between realities is how it works. Relationships link realities to the objective realities of the universe which define life and solutions to problems.

Corrupters hate rationality, because it places demands upon them making them losers and the result causes truth to evolve exposing them as the corrupters that they are. Since corrupters are certain they are superior persons, there must be something illegitimate in a process that shows otherwise.

It's no easy thing to eradicate rationality from human existence. Fighting against rationality at a superficial level doesn't work, because the interactions of realities causes truth to evolve. So the corrupters get more basic and try to undermine the human state of existence.

Whatever human expectations are is what corrupters need to destroy to prevail with their irrationality. Most basically humans need to align upon the laws of the universe to sustain life. So fakery which makes a mockery of laws of the universe is a primary tool for corrupters.

Fake science and technology have that purpose. Their purpose is to disconnect to a point of mockery from the laws of physics in claiming to produce imaginary results; and glamorizing the results adds resilience and amplification.

Obviously, nothing is going to work right under those conditions. Doesn't matter. The impossibilities only add to the godliness of the claims. Of course, the claims must be removed in time and space to neutralize the contradictions.

Modern science and technology are perfect for the purpose. They are already too complex for the public to understand; so absurdities can be portrayed as godliness instead of fraud.

For hardware that people can see, futurism is used to pretend that the answers are always on the verge of being solved. For invisible results, space travel works good. For space projects, the public is led to believe that going from one place to another in space is like driving an automobile, while there is no real method of controlling orientation, direction or velocity outside of Earth's orbit.

Another invisible area is artificial intelligence. Calling it intelligence causes the public to assume computers can be made to think. In fact, going back several decades, the frauds have been generating the background claims by describing the brain as a bunch of switches that function like a computer.

Disconnecting the public from the complexities allows frauds to claim a higher standard than rationality. No criticism is allowed, as criticism is too debased for such godliness.

There are two types of conspirators—those who know they are perpetrating fraud and those who do not know and believe in the fraud. So the public is exploited for getting involved in the conspiracies causing them to assume they are superior to their critics in imposing fraud onto society.

Artificial Intelligence Frauds

Fakery Of Space Projects

Self-Driving Fraud

Firing Scientists

The March To Fascism

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
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The March To Fascism
Radiative Transfer Equations
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Firing Scientists
Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
Gravity Waves
Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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